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[Help] Interlude Packs



Hello. if anybody knows witch is the best packet... for interlude servers. oneo or free.. i was creating on oneo... but its to much bugs for me... cant handle all of them...  one admin told me ;> (i am working on interlude server) i ask what pack? he sad (rusian power :D not su faking buged :]) so if anyone know any other pach with les bugs.. or version of oneao or free where is not so buged... i know we all have to fix bugs.. thats how god servers are made of :D but for people ho wahnts god server sakes! pm me with some useful info... a hint.. a tip.. or just post info in here... i dont know maybe its only forum with oneo free emu packets ;D if yes damn im scrude :/ if no let us no new rusia power of paches!!!


thank u very much ;> i will cheking replays every 5 minutes :D




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Thank you anubis, but superhacker whas searching for helbound or gracia servers. but it tould me a lot that l2jfree is the best :) okay so i know that l2jfree is the best.. event the all mighty post gods sad its l2jfree :D but if l2jfree is stil faking buged.. so what to do?... fix bugs for ever :D or get rusian power pach where is only! cuple of bugs.. and then peasful god game =]


ok the point l2jfree best :D but wat about other packets that we dont know and u know?? :) post plz and be our hero.. its ur day to shine!!! u are not nothin my friend :D

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but if l2jfree is stil faking buged.. so what to do?... fix bugs for ever :D or get rusian power pach where is only! cuple of bugs.. and then peasful god game =]


Well , lets start for the 1 thing u said.


1 The best is L2JFree that u say is Fucking bugged, and ofc evry single pack has bugs but the best is that one


2 U speak about get a rusian power pack , that i dosnt even know it exist and u said this dosnt have almost none bug

Could u at least show us that pack? w00t


If u like that russian pack use it ..


ok the point l2jfree best :D but wat about other packets that we dont know and u know?? :) post plz and be our hero.. its ur day to shine!!! u are not nothin my friend :D


Has u can see here:



The most popular packs are l2jfree emu and java


Why beacuse they have forums and they keep updating their things


Maybe this rusian pack u speak about have it , may be not I dont know

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I dont understand nothing of what u said and that is a problem.

What i think u are trying to say is that u want a The IL last revision of some pack , has u can see here:




Strike Share the lastest revisions of all chronicles of l2jfree


That is why u must go to their sites and look for the last revision of The chronicle u need that in this case is IL


Btw ask some other person to write for u beacuse u have many many gramatical errors ;/

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i am sorry anubis :) u ar helping me and im acting so stupid :/ i am searching just for other packets good as l2free but bether :) i dont have it just one ppl sad rusian pach is bether.. and bicause he didint whant that everybody have it he didint say the name :( so thats what i am waiting for :)


But bicause of ur erlier post i disided to make server on l2j free :) but i am still waiting for rusia pach :D

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