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Hi there.
Something for me.

Name : Aleksandar 
Age : 21
Nationality : Bulgarian , life in UK 
Experience : Playing Lineage 2 since 2006 
Got alot of experience at low/mid servers.
Most lovely Chronicle : Interlude

Knowledge with classes : I know all the classes and know to play with all of them, most lovely its SPS ( Spellsinger ) 

Also am looking for active clan & ally that whould join in www.l2arena.net
Speak english well, the problem is the free time that i have, its around 2-6 hours/day ( cause of work ) 
Do not support programs like TeamSpeak etc. preffer CHAT.

If there is a clan, prepared and ready to join inside and still recruit, just leave me msg
with some info about the clan & activity of him.

Edited by pasala
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