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L2 Dex Hel 30X New Server [Help If Possible]

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Im the noobiest botter use, can someone please give me the script to auto buff (alt b.) than (mage) on this server?

PS: its only possible buffs out of combat.


Thx for the time



Edited by targeet
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Im the noobiest botter use, can someone please give me the script to auto buff (alt b.) than (mage) on this server?

PS: its only possible buffs out of combat.


Thx for the time





3 http://prntscr.com/7l5cu5

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@adr.bot thank you, but it do not works... it try to open favorite tab on alt b, but isnt on favorite


how it should be:

1 http://prntscr.com/7l8eoh

2 http://prntscr.com/7l8fyn

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i already tryed, but i dont even know how to use it, i saw that video explaning, but I dont know where to instal, what to chose at that empyt balloon...


ty anyway. @adr.bot

Edited by targeet
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