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How to register L2.hopzone.net


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re prepei na pliroseis 10 dolaria leei

nomizo pos den ginete exigise mou plz ..!!!


akou kai kati alo pos mporo na kano to IP TOU PC MOU static free

axigise me auto!!!! kai to alo gia to hopzone..!!


Edit By Koyfo: Since we are in "Lineage II English Section", greek should't appear :).

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  • Create an e-mail account HERE
  • Register an account in hopzone HERE
  • Notice that it sais: (please do not use hotmail.com or yahoo.com email addresses. Otherwise you won`t receive confirmation) ;)

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In your inbox FFS


PS: Activation/Information e-mails don't arrive in 1 min! Some times you have to w8 a couple of minutes ;)

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