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Geia sas pedes .... Loipon 8a paw kateu8eian sto psito ....


Loipon psaxnw gia Clan & Ally Crest p tairiazoun k etc i pou einai sinexomaino ( diladi to ally crest sinexeia tou clan crest ) ... Please ama mporeite dwste site alla ma mporeite please dwste ta se 2 diaforetika arxeia ( diladi 1 arxeio to clan kai 2o arxeiao gia to ally crest ) ....


Pfffffffffffffffffff vare8ika na vlepw ta idia topiCs sinexeia...


1 search dn mporeis na kaneis prwtou anoikseis to topiC... h na rotiseis tn kolito s to google.gr ?


Anyway me ena search des ti s vrika.


476 clan crests here http://rapidshare.com/files/62020084/Clan_crests.rar

999 Alliance crests http://rapidshare.com/files/62020347/Alliance_Crests.rar








1rst warning epeidi dn ekanes search apo emena.


<<TopiC LoCkeD>>.

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