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interlude High Five Pvp Server Start Tomorrow 18:00 Gtm+2 Lithuanian Time.


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Hello everyone! 

Well, the server is tested and ready for start. 

We waiting for all tomorrow! 

Server live start - 2014-02-23 (Sunday) 18:00 GTM+2 time! 

Good Luck!


Server website:http://www.l2silence.us.lt


Sveiki visi!

Serveris yra pilnai istestuotas ir paruostas paleidimui!

Startas rytoi 18:00 GTM+2 Lietuvos laiku.

Lauksime visu isbandyti jau patobulinta ir istaisyta Line][age Silence High Five PvP serveri!


Serverio tinklapis:http://www.l2silence.us.lt

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