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[Tool] LA2 Brute for TheGame.gr + Guide


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anibul17.gif TheGame La2 Brute

anibul17.gif Password Generator









red1ac.gif Ekteleste to The_Game_La2Brute.exe. DEN tha emfanistei tipota opws installation window, 1 diplo klik arkei gia na perastei!


red1ac.gif Afou ektelesete to The_Game_La2Brute.exe tha sas vgalei 1 fakelo <LA2BRUTE> kai ena shortcut sto desktop <La2 Brute>


red1ac.gif Ekteleste to <La2 Brute> kai valte ta settings gia ton TheGame pou fainontai stin parakatw eikona alla yparxoun kai sto arxeio <settings.txt> pou yparxei mesa sto fakelo <LA2BRUTE>




red1ac.gif Valte to username pou thelete sto username list, kai ta pithana password deksia, to ena katw apo to allo (me CTRL-ENTER) kai patiste START


red1ac.gif Molis teleiwsei, an exei vrei to password tha to apothikeusei se 1 arxeio pou vrisketai sto fakelo <LA2BRUTE> me name <attack.log>









red1ac.gif Episis mporeite na kanete generate mia password list. Px: Thelete password list me passwords apo to 000-999. Trexete to programma kai patate opws fainetai stin eikona parakatw.




red1ac.gif Meta patate <Load from file> kai epilegete to arxeio <DICTION.ARY>. Perimenete analoga me to poso megalo einai to file (~20sec gia 10k passwords).

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@dynamik: Maybe in the future

@lazos1993: Mporeis na dwseis kapoia list apo pithana passwords, auto eleipe na to vriskei mono tou. Episis to prog einai sta russika, i screenshot einai endeiksi gia na deis ti kanei to kathe button. Apla koitas tin screenshot kai douleueis to prog.

@spawn123: Pes mou pio sygkekrimena ti list thes!

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koyfo tha mporesis na kaneis tipota kai gia ton e-global plz!?mou exoun klepsi ena account eki kai thelw na to girisw!!kserw to user name!!!euxaristw egkairws!!!

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A exw kai mia erwtisi...to dokimasa ston thegame douleuei mia xara!!!!alla idou h aporia ebala to user name mou alla yparxei tropos na mpoun automata ola ta passwords pou mporoun na yparxoun xwris na kathomai na ta grafw?>??giati etsi ine kai ligo diskolo na to kataferis na petixis to pass xreiazete na grafeis mera nixta kai ean petixi!!!

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apla thelw na pw, pos mporoume na vroume ena password pou apoteleite apo gramata k arithmous p.x(asdfg256) i ena pou apoteleite mono apo gramata (asdfdg) i mono arithmous??den mporeite na dosete ena tetio search list gia na paroume ena paradigma?


tnx in advance! ;D

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Xrisimopoiiste auto to programma pou kanei generate password lists http://rapidshare.com/files/10713345/wordlist-gen.zip.html

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A exw kai mia erwtisi...to dokimasa ston thegame douleuei mia xara!!!!alla idou h aporia ebala to user name mou alla yparxei tropos na mpoun automata ola ta passwords pou mporoun na yparxoun xwris na kathomai na ta grafw?>??giati etsi ine kai ligo diskolo na to kataferis na petixis to pass xreiazete na grafeis mera nixta kai ean petixi!!!


Ftiakse ena password list me to prog pou edwsa pio panw, kai meta kane load from file sto la2brute. Tha argisei ligo (~20sec gia 10k passwords) na ta fortwsei.

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thnx gia to generator..akoma mia erotisi :D


otan vazis minimum k maximum pass length prepei na xereis poso megalos tha einai o kodikos gia na to valeis i to vriskei mono tou osa xreiazonte?


episis tha imoun eygnwmwn an mporouses na kaneis mia screenshot gia na dw pos symplironeis tis epiloges tou generator ;D


soz gia to skotisma !

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