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interlude [L2J]Lineage 2 Aerogaming New Era *under New Administration-Development*

Narrel Aerogaming

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L2Aerogaming C6 Custom Interlude

Starting level 80, Max Level 85

Enchant Rates

Enchant normal scrolls; safe +7:
Normal S grade; do not crystalize on fail:
A Armors Enchant 0-30 is at 80% rate. 30-35 at 45%. Stat bonuses at +35 set
S Armors Enchant 0-25 is at 80% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30 set
S Jewels Enchant 0-25 is at 75% rate. 25-30 at 40%. Stat bonuses at +30
S and A Weapons 0-25 is at 75% rate.

Mysterious merchant!  

Unique and Epic; crystalize on fail:

Armors Enchant 0-15 at 72% rate. 16-25 at 72% - armos enchant!
Weapons Enchant 0-15 at 72% rate. 16-25 at 72% - weapons enchant!

Legendary Items:

Armors 0-15 at 72% rate. 16-25 at 72% - armors enchant!
Weapons 0-15 at 72% rate. 16-25 at 72% - weapons enchant!

Scroll Affects

Crystal Scrolls:Have 10% less enchant chance but DO NOT crystalize ur item
Blessed Scrolls: Have 10% more enchant chance and don't crystalize ur item


The server's economy is based on Golds and Glits, to get them:
Farm silver, 50 silver = 1 gold
pure silver low drop chance or events, 25 pure silver = 1 Glit
1kk adena = 1 true gold

Basically with gold you can buy anything among unique items, but to get to the Epic tier you need true gold, glits, star diamonds & star of destiny.


Every class is modified by a unique Formula balancer, debuff chances and rates are shown when u cast a skills and everything works to suit pvp balance.
(Including Sword Muse, Bladedancer, Prophet and so on, improved with some skills replacement\ add-ons to make them competitive in PvP)

Trade channels:

Trade chat (+): Can be used when you reach 50 pvps, after use it has a cooldown of 15 minutes, however the delay decreases up to 7 minutes according to your pvp amount
Hero shout(%): Can be used by heroes or at 5500 pvps, 3 minutes cooldown
Global Shout(!): Can be used at 10000 pvps, 6 minute cooldown


All buffs 3 hours, death doesn't remove your buffs
All buffs included on the buffer, except some which changed to costum
If you want to get rid of a buff, just choose it again from the buffer and it will be removed
Heal from buffer every 3 minutes, can't be used during pvp

Farming zones:

Cave of Trials
Special miny bosses found all arround the farming zones
Raid Bosses with edited stats and skills

Custom Droplist:


Olympiad A Grade Only
The hero cycle is every 2 weeks
Heroes get an additional ultimate skill on their baseclass
Valor and Heroic berserker can stack together


When you login, the server checks your last login, if more than a hour had passed since then you will be teleported to town to avoid campers.
Skills don't have mp consumptions, but heals have.
Mp and Hp consumption over time from buffs/toggles have been removed.
Shift click on NPC and view it's drops.
Shift click on ur target to view all your target's basic stats heavily detailed.

JOIN US!!!!!


Previous Administration: Ghost and Arrow aka xdem (both expelled from the team)

New Administration: Narrel

Edited by Narrel Aerogaming
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well he isnt ghost but rumors saying that sudden is on team again..anyway waiting


Im Arrow, Sudden friend of mine was kicked permantly from the team cause he raged Ghost with his bullshitt, I almost got kicked too but Ghost couldnt handle it by himself cause he was about quiting L2.

I can confirm that Narrel is fresh blood (I dont know about his skills) and the server has nothing to do with me, Sudden or Ghost. I can also say that I was denied to join the team since Narrel knows that I know Sudden real life...

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