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interlude L2 Xxxxxxxx Will You Play If That Was Existing?


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x35 xp

x35 sp

x35 adena

safe +3

max +20


Starter level 20 with full d grade and 500k adenas

Delevel is enabled

Boosted Zones:

Elven fortress

It has stages, room 1 is low mobs

               room 2 is semi low mobs

               room 3 is mid mobs 

these 3 rooms are droping adenas

               room 4 drops mats for custom armor

               room 5 drops elven scrolls (for s grade weapon s/a, nobless quest etc)

               room 6 raidboss with nice drops


Imperial Tomb:

Boosted xp and adena drops



Primeval Isle: 

Party area drops mats, 15kk adena, Dino eggs for the Advanced Armor sets and 10% to drop The Siren Egg (egg for the advanced Armor) also mob groups drops recipes for phoenix armors with 10% chance



Npcs: No gm shop

There are:

Armor shop

Misc shop

Unique Trader: Donation items, vote reward items, PvP items

Weapons/Bank/Accesory shop sells S1 Grade weapons (Ancient ones with 5 raid tokens its)

Scheme Buffer in Giran


And CraftShop

About Craft Shop: You get recipes from vote reward or from Dino Isle mobs you get mats and you dont need a dwarf you craft armors from him


Buffs 20+4 and 10 debuff slots


Olympiad Retail like

Bosses Retail like spawn time

Buffs 2 hours


Nobless with quest

Subclass without quest

Classes free (3rd class gives you 30kk adena amount)


Custom Armors:

Phoenix Armor (Titanium one, slightly better from S)

Advanced Phoenix Armor (slightly better from Phoenix Armor) (Vesper Noble texture)


Custom Weapons: 

Phoenix Weapons (Epic ones)


Custom Shield

Dusk Shield

Excellion Shield (Dynasty one)


Custom ETC items

Vote tickets

Donate tickets

Honorable coins


Will you play on?

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