# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vote Reward System
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set it "True" if you want to Enable Vote Reward System.
EnableVoteReward = True
# If you enable Vote Reward System you must fill your Html Patch.
# e.g. VoteHtmlPatch = http://l2.hopzone.net / http://l2topzone.net
# Html Patch for Your Vote Site
# Works with TopZone & HopZone
ServerNameForVotes = ServerName
VoteHtmlPatch = http://l2.hopzone.net/.... <- Here what? my main hopzone site url?
VoteReward1Count = 5
VoteReward2Count = 2
VoteReward1Id = 9627
VoteReward2Id = 3470
VotesForReward = 10
# Max a-beep-t of reward items that you want to stop reward
# the player that have more than "MaxRewardCountForStack".
MaxRewardCountForStackItem1 = 500
MaxRewardCountForStackItem2 = 500
# DelayForNextReward in seconds
DelayForNextReward = 300
Edited by drgn
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