# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = True
AntiFarmIP = True
AntiFarmClanAlly = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = True
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False
Το οποιο απ'οτι καταλαβα λειτουργει κανονικα...δεν επιτρεπει το feed..
αλλά οταν ενεργοποιώ το rankPvPsystem config. το οποιο ειναι αυτό εδω
#=============================== Rank PvP System ================================#
# About Legal Kill:
# If Killer kill Victim and protection system not detect this kill as farming,
# it will be added as Legal Kill.
# PvP -
# Enable Rank PvP System
RankPvpSystemEnabled = True
# Enable legal counter in Alt+T window in game. It's mean all kills will be counted by CPS rules.
LegalCounterAltTEnabled = True
# Minimum player level for rise legal kills.
LegalKillMinLvl = 1
# If enabled, kill PK player (player with red nick) will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default true.
LegalKillForPkKillerEnabled = True
# If enabled, kill unflaged player will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database (otherwise PK mode). Default false.
LegalKillForInnocentKillerEnabled = true
# Set time interval between kills the same victim (in minutes).
# Option is used for Legal Kills & Rewards & Rank Points.
# Default: 60
ProtectionTimeReset = 0
# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the Legal Kills will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# If LegalKillProtection = 3, then it not rise Legal Kills for kill 4 time the same player.
# INFO: Option used for Reward and Rank Points.
LegalKillProtection = 0
# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the Legal Kills will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# X is reseted every day.
# IMPORTANT: LegalKillProtection MUST BE = 0.
# INFO: Option used for Reward and Rank Points.
DailyLegalKillProtection = 0
# Rewards -
# It gives reward for any PvP.
# INFO: ProtectionTimeReset is used.
# Enable PvP Reward System
# REQUIRE: RankPvpSystemEnabled = True
PvpRewardEnabled = True
# Reward item id
PvpRewardId = 3490
# Reward item amount
PvpRewardAmmount = 1
# Minimum player level to obtain reward.
PvpRewardMinLvl = 1
# If enabled, gives reward for kill PK player (player with red nick).
PvpRewardForPkKillerEnabled = True
# If enabled, kill unflaged player will be rewarded (otherwise PK mode). Default false.
PvpRewardForInnocentKillEnabled = False
# Ranks -
# INFO: ProtectionTimeReset is used.
# INFO: RankNames,
# RankMinPoints,
# RankPointsForKill,
# RankRewardIds,
# RankRewardAmounts
# must have same size and cannot be empty.
# REQUIRE: RankPvpSystemEnabled = true
RanksEnabled = True
# Minimum player level for obtain Rank Points.
RankPointsMinLvl = 1
# Cut off points, earned for kill high rank victims ['rank points for kill']. (should reduce farm RP on high level victims)
# Example: Killer RP reward is 20, victim RP reward is 50, if killer kill victim he will obtain 20 points not 50 points.
RankPointsCutEnabled = True
# Rank names (first element is the higher rank):
# Format: name1,name2,name3
# Example: RankNames = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,...
RankNames = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,Brigadier General,Brigadier [Grade 3],Brigadier [Grade2],Brigadier,Force Colonel,Colonel [Grade 3],Colonel [Grade 2],Colonel,Strike Commander,Commander [Grade 3],Commander [Grade 2],Commander,Field Major,Major [Grade 3],Major [Grade 2],Major,Staff Captain,Captain [Grade 3],Captain [Grade 2],Captain,First Lieutenant,Lieutenant [Grade 3],Lieutenant [Grade 2],Lieutenant,Master Sergeant,Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 3],Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 2],Gunnery Sergeant,Sergeant [Grade 3],Sergeant [Grade 2],Sergeant,Corporal [Grade 2],Corporal,Private [Grade 2],Private,Apprentice [Grade 2],Apprentice,Recruit
# INFO: Be careful with points. MySql database allow BIGINT(18) total rank points.
# Rank require points (first element is points count for obtain 1st rank title, in example: Five Star General):
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# (count1 > count2 > count3) >= 0, minimum points for first (lowest) rank must be 0!
# Foramt: RankMinPoints = 10000,1000,400,0
# IMPORTANT: property elements count must be same like in RankNames.
# Example: if current points BETWEEN 2 000 000 AND 1 000 000 gives rank: General [Grade 3].
RankMinPoints = 2000000,1000000,750000,600000,400000,250000,190000,150000,120000,100000,82000,65000,50000,38000,28000,20000,14000,10000,7000,5000,3000,2000,1500,1000,880,760,680,580,500,450,400,360,320,280,240,190,150,120,70,30,10,0
# Example: For Five Star General kills reward is 50 points.
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# All values MUST be greater than 0.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankPointsForKill = 50,49,48,46,44,42,40,38,36,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
# If enabled rewards will be awarded for kill Victim with specified rank.
RankRewardEnabled = True
# Reward item id's.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankRewardIds = 6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392
# Reward item amount
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankRewardAmounts = 42,41,40,39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
# Enable alternative points counting for players.
# If enabled then RankPointsForKill is ignored.
# Example: RankPointsDownAmounts = 100,50,10,1,0
# For first kill awards 100, 2nd kill give 50, ... , 0.
# It can be manipuleted by LegalKillProtection and DailyLegalKillProtection.
# IMPORTANT: Protection X value cannot be less than size of RankPointsDownAmounts. Example: min value for example data is 5.
RankPointsDownCountEnabled = False
RankPointsDownAmounts = 100,50,10,1,0
# Shout current Points info for killer & victim.
RankShoutInfoOnKillEnabled = True
# Shout Bonus Points informations for killer.
# Require: RankShoutInfoOnKillEnabled = True
RankShoutBonusInfoOnKillEnabled = True
# If enabled shows informations about Total Kills on Victim, otherwise show informations about Legal Kills on Victim.
TotalKillsInShoutEnabled = True
# If enabled, gives Rank Points for kill PK player (player with red nick).
RankRewardForPkKillerEnabled = True
# If enabled, Rank Points for kill unflaged player will be awarded (PK mode). Default false.
RankRewardForInnocentKillEnabled = False
# Nick and Title colors for each rank.
# INFO: Do not put RED, PURPLE, or LIGHT RED Nick Colors. This colors are used in game!
# Colors must have HTML format (6 letters (hex)).
# Format: ABCDEF,0103FF, ... ,ABCDEF
# Minimum: 000000, Maximum: FFFFFF.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
# First color on left is for the highest rank, [5 Star General].
NickColorEnabled = true
NickColors = 5D0202,00FFEB,FFE200,00ABFF,FF0000,FF76F6,707700,447700,353535,FFFFFF,0F0F0F,FF6200,FF0000,00FFAB,EFFF00,89851F,89851F,666666,856250,00FF00,000DFF,00FF49,D5FF00,FF6F00,F08C8C,F152FF,A9537E,A9A753,FFFE8D,4B8B8A,5E4B8B,5530AD,06B06A,53B006,000000,B3B3B3,FFBC00,F0FE98,FF0000,000000,3700FF,00C0FF
TitleColorEnabled = true
TitleColors = 5D0202,00FFEB,FFE200,00ABFF,FF0000,FF76F6,707700,447700,353535,FFFFFF,0F0F0F,FF6200,FF0000,00FFAB,EFFF00,89851F,89851F,666666,856250,00FF00,000DFF,00FF49,D5FF00,FF6F00,F08C8C,F152FF,A9537E,A9A753,FFFE8D,4B8B8A,5E4B8B,5530AD,06B06A,53B006,000000,B3B3B3,FFBC00,F0FE98,FF0000,000000,3700FF,00C0FF
# War Kills -
# Enable war kills counter
WarKillsEnabled = True
# Ratio for Rank Points when killed a player from War Clan.
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# 2.0 mean 2 times more points for kill.
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not multiplied.
WarRankPointsRatio = 1.2
# Combo Kills -
# Combo system allow get combo for killing the victims.
# Combo will be reseted if character will die, relog, join to event or olympiad.
# Combo system disabled on events and olympiad (option inherited from Rank PvP System).
# Enable combo kill system.
ComboKillEnabled = True
# Shout messages for players, if killer kill more victims.
# Format: combo_kills,message; ... ;combo_kills,message
# List must be ORDERED from lowest to highest by combo_kills.
# Message can contain special tags:
# %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
# %victim% - it will be replaced by victim name.
# %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# Local - shout message to visible players by killer.
# Global - shout message to all players online.
# Info: one of these lists can be empty, and combo_kills can be random numbers, but ordered (example: 1,msg;2,msg;3,msg;6,msg;7,msg;8,msg;10,msg;55,msg;100,msg).
# Checking priority: if combo_kills will be founded on local list, then global list is not checked.
ComboKillLocalAreaMessages = 2,%killer% is a good killer!;3,%killer% is a perfect killer!;4,%killer% have no mercy!;5,%killer% is in killing spree!;6,%killer% assassinate every target!;7,%killer% is killing master!;8,%killer% is a Uber killer!;9,%killer% own the battlefield!
ComboKillGlobalAreaMessages = 10,%killer% is Unstopable!!!
# Alternate combo message method, is not require for each combo level defining the message.
# Just one message for any combo level.
# If enabled shows combo size, example: Player have 5 Combo kills! or Player have 99 Combo kills!
# Message can contain special tags:
# %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
# %victim% - it will be replaced by victim name.
# %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# If ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 20 then if player get combo level >= 20 it will be shout on global chat, otherwise on local chat.
# If ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 0 it shouts all messages on local chat.
ComboKillAltMessagesEnabled = False
ComboKillAltMessage = %killer% have %combo_level% Combo kills!
ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 20
# If enabled shout messeage about defeated combo killer, if victim combo is greater than selected level.
ComboKillDefeatMessageEnabled = True
# Minimum combo level for show the defeat message. It not mess chat window with low combo level players.
# Require: ComboKillDefeatMessageEnabled = True
ComboKillDefeatMessageMinComboLvl = 3
# Message can contain special tags:
# %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
# %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# ComboKillDefeatMessage = %killer% is defeated! or:
ComboKillDefeatMessage = %killer% is defeated with %combo_level% combo lvl!!!
# Enable protection with Legal Kills, combo will rise if it's legal kill.
ComboKillProtectionWithLegalKillEnabled = False
# Enable protection with No Repeat for kill, combo will rise if victim is not on current combo list.
ComboKillProtectionNoRepeatEnabled = False
# If kill time between previous victim and next victim will be greater than ComboKillReseter, combo will be reseted.
# Time in seconds.
# 0 - disabled.
# Default: 300
ComboKillReseter = 300
# List contains combo kills and rank points ratio added to rank points for kill.
# Format: combo_kills,ratio; ... ;combo_kills,ratio
# List must be ordered from lowest to highest by combo_kills.
# Ratio must be greater than 1.0, otherwise will be ignored.
ComboKillRankPointsRatioEnabled = True
ComboKillRankPointsRatio = 5,1.1;6,1.2;7,1.3;8,1.4;9,1.5;10,1.6
# Combo can be enabled on events and olympiad. // UNUSED for now, it's inherited from Rank PvP System.
ComboKillOnEventsEnabled = False
# .pvpinfo command, and death manager options -
# If enabled allow use .pvpinfo command on targeted player.
PvpInfoCommandEnabled = True
# If enabled change .pvpinfo for /pvpinfo command.
# IMPORTANT: Is require Client modification file: commandname-e.dat
# Information how to apply it in: ClientModInfo.txt
PvpInfoUserCommandEnabled = False
# ID of command, it is same id what is in commandname-e.dat.
PvpInfoUserCommandId = 1004
# If enabled .pvpinfo will be used by victim when Killer kill Victim.
PvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled = True
# Show additional button in PvPWindow after death.
# Button allow see more details about killer. HP/MP/CP, equipment (enchant) if enabled.
# It shows killer status only for kill MOMENT.
# Option requires CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled and CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled set on True.
DeathManagerDetailsEnabled = True
# Show killer equipment and items enchant level.
DeathManagerShowItemsEnabled = True
# Enable Rewards for obtain RankPoints.
# Rewards configuration in database table: custom_pvp_system_rank_reward.
# If enabled, button "Get Reward" appear in PvP Status Window.
RankPointsRewardEnabled = True
# If enabled shows information about Total Kills in PvP Status Panel (.pvpinfo)
TotalKillsInPvpInfoEnabled = True
# If enabled shows information about Total Kills On Me in PvP Status Panel (.pvpinfo)
TotalKillsOnMeInPvpInfoEnabled = True
# PvP / Rank / Reward / DM zone option's -
# Zone id's:
# ZONE_PVP = 1;
# ZONE_WATER = 128;
# ZONE_JAIL = 256;
# ZONE_SWAMP = 1024;
# ZONE_OLY = 4096;
# ZONE_NOHQ = 8192
# *other id's can be custom.
# Custom PvP System Anti-Farm options (zones id):
# Allowed zones id's.
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Info: If empty all zones are allowed, otherwise system works in Allowed Zones only.
# Example: CustomPvpAllovedZonesIds = 1 , then system works ONLY in zones with ID = 1.
CustomPvpAllowedZonesIds =
# Restricted zones id's.
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Info: If empty no zones are restricted, otherwise system works in not Restricted Zones only.
# Default: CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096
# Example: CustomPvpAllovedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096 , then system works in zones with ID'S = 2,16,256,4096.
CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096
# Death Manager is disabled in this zones.
CustomPvpDeathManagerRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096
# Rank Points Bonus Ratio Zones
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# Format: zoneId,ratio; ... ;zoneId,ratio
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
# Example: 2,1.5;13,1.2
# It will multiply rank points for Killer by 1.5 in area 2 , if Killer is inside this area.
CustomPvpRankPointsBonusZones =
# Anti-Farm -
# INFO: Options to check farming players
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
# If True protection is activated.
AntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
AntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
AntiFarmIpEnabled = False
# Community Board -
# Enable statistics system for community TOP LIST, data like top killers, top RP gatherers will be showed.
# Default: True
CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True
# Set a Time Limit (in days) for system counter. Options is used only for update Top Table.
# If some player not killed anybody from X days, he will be ignored on Top List.
# When ignored player kills somebody again he will return to counting pool on next update of Top Table.
# Disabled: 0
# Default: 30
CommunityBoardTopListIgnoreTimeLimit = 30
# Database -
#--------------- DO NOT CHANGE IT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING! --------------
# Interval between PvpTable dump into database (in minutes).
# Value must be greater than 1 or will be overrided for 1.
# Default: 5
PvpTableUpdateInterval = 5
# Interval between TopTable updates (in minutes).
# Value must be greater than 10 or will be overrided for 10.
# Default: 60 Safe: 1440 (24h)
# Option is enabled if CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True.
# IMPORTANT: for online 500+ CAN do lag for few seconds [1s - 7s] when updating, so this is why this value is set on 1440.
TopTableUpdateInterval = 1440
# If enabled, on server startup system will clean up permanenlty Pvp Table from unactive players.
# Default: False
DatabaseCleanerEnabled = true
# If player not logged into game from X days, his data will be removed from Pvp Table PERMANENTLY!
# Option will be useful for big online servers.
# Value must be greater than 0, otherwise DatabaseCleanerEnabled will be changed on False.
# Default: 60
DatabaseCleanerRepeatTime = 60
αν μπω με διπλή εργασια μπορώ να feedarw Κανονικά...μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το fix Παρακαλώ?
Διοτι το rankpvpsystem δηνει πολλα rewards Κτλ...και θα ηθελα να μην επιτρεπετε το dualbox!
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γεια σας παιδια εχω ενα προβλημα με τον σερβερ...
εχω βαλει στo gameserver\config\functions/pvp.propeties
Αυτο εδω!
Το οποιο απ'οτι καταλαβα λειτουργει κανονικα...δεν επιτρεπει το feed..
αλλά οταν ενεργοποιώ το rankPvPsystem config. το οποιο ειναι αυτό εδω
αν μπω με διπλή εργασια μπορώ να feedarw Κανονικά...μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το fix Παρακαλώ?
Διοτι το rankpvpsystem δηνει πολλα rewards Κτλ...και θα ηθελα να μην επιτρεπετε το dualbox!
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