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Same IP PVP feed!



γεια σας παιδια εχω ενα προβλημα με τον σερβερ...

εχω βαλει στo gameserver\config\functions/pvp.propeties

Αυτο εδω!

# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = True
AntiFarmIP = True
AntiFarmClanAlly = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = True
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False


Το οποιο απ'οτι καταλαβα λειτουργει κανονικα...δεν επιτρεπει το feed..

αλλά οταν ενεργοποιώ το rankPvPsystem config. το οποιο ειναι αυτό εδω

#=============================== Rank PvP System ================================#
# About Legal Kill: 
# If Killer kill Victim and protection system not detect this kill as farming,
# it will be added as Legal Kill.

# 			  							PvP	 	 		   						 -
# Enable Rank PvP System
RankPvpSystemEnabled = True

# Enable legal counter in Alt+T window in game. It's mean all kills will be counted by CPS rules.
LegalCounterAltTEnabled = True

# Minimum player level for rise legal kills.
LegalKillMinLvl = 1

# If enabled, kill PK player (player with red nick) will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default true. 
LegalKillForPkKillerEnabled = True

# If enabled, kill unflaged player will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database (otherwise PK mode). Default false. 
LegalKillForInnocentKillerEnabled = true

# Set time interval between kills the same victim (in minutes).
# Option is used for Legal Kills & Rewards & Rank Points.
# Default: 60
ProtectionTimeReset = 0

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the Legal Kills will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# If LegalKillProtection = 3, then it not rise Legal Kills for kill 4 time the same player.
# INFO: Option used for Reward and Rank Points.
LegalKillProtection = 0

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the Legal Kills will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# X is reseted every day.
# IMPORTANT: LegalKillProtection MUST BE = 0.
# INFO: Option used for Reward and Rank Points.
DailyLegalKillProtection = 0

# 			  	  					   Rewards	 		   						 -
# It gives reward for any PvP.
# INFO: ProtectionTimeReset is used.
# Enable PvP Reward System
# REQUIRE: RankPvpSystemEnabled = True
PvpRewardEnabled = True

# Reward item id
PvpRewardId = 3490
# Reward item amount
PvpRewardAmmount = 1

# Minimum player level to obtain reward.
PvpRewardMinLvl = 1

# If enabled, gives reward for kill PK player (player with red nick).
PvpRewardForPkKillerEnabled = True

# If enabled, kill unflaged player will be rewarded (otherwise PK mode). Default false. 
PvpRewardForInnocentKillEnabled = False

# 				 					  	 Ranks 							 		 -
# INFO: ProtectionTimeReset is used.
# INFO: RankNames, 
# 		RankMinPoints, 
# 		RankPointsForKill, 
# 		RankRewardIds, 
# 		RankRewardAmounts 
# 		must have same size and cannot be empty.
# REQUIRE: RankPvpSystemEnabled = true
RanksEnabled = True

# Minimum player level for obtain Rank Points.
RankPointsMinLvl = 1

# Cut off points, earned for kill high rank victims ['rank points for kill']. (should reduce farm RP on high level victims)
# Example: Killer RP reward is 20, victim RP reward is 50, if killer kill victim he will obtain 20 points not 50 points.
RankPointsCutEnabled = True

# Rank names (first element is the higher rank):
# Format: name1,name2,name3
# Example: RankNames = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,...
RankNames = Five Star General,General [Grade 3],General [Grade 2],General,Brigadier General,Brigadier [Grade 3],Brigadier [Grade2],Brigadier,Force Colonel,Colonel [Grade 3],Colonel [Grade 2],Colonel,Strike Commander,Commander [Grade 3],Commander [Grade 2],Commander,Field Major,Major [Grade 3],Major [Grade 2],Major,Staff Captain,Captain [Grade 3],Captain [Grade 2],Captain,First Lieutenant,Lieutenant [Grade 3],Lieutenant [Grade 2],Lieutenant,Master Sergeant,Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 3],Gunnery Sergeant [Grade 2],Gunnery Sergeant,Sergeant [Grade 3],Sergeant [Grade 2],Sergeant,Corporal [Grade 2],Corporal,Private [Grade 2],Private,Apprentice [Grade 2],Apprentice,Recruit

# INFO: Be careful with points. MySql database allow BIGINT(18) total rank points.

# Rank require points (first element is points count for obtain 1st rank title, in example: Five Star General):
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# (count1 > count2 > count3) >= 0, minimum points for first (lowest) rank must be 0!
# Foramt: RankMinPoints = 10000,1000,400,0
# IMPORTANT: property elements count must be same like in RankNames.
# Example: if current points BETWEEN 2 000 000 AND 1 000 000 gives rank: General [Grade 3].
RankMinPoints = 2000000,1000000,750000,600000,400000,250000,190000,150000,120000,100000,82000,65000,50000,38000,28000,20000,14000,10000,7000,5000,3000,2000,1500,1000,880,760,680,580,500,450,400,360,320,280,240,190,150,120,70,30,10,0

# Example: For Five Star General kills reward is 50 points.
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# All values MUST be greater than 0.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankPointsForKill = 50,49,48,46,44,42,40,38,36,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

# If enabled rewards will be awarded for kill Victim with specified rank.
RankRewardEnabled = True
# Reward item id's.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankRewardIds = 6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392,6392
# Reward item amount
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
RankRewardAmounts = 42,41,40,39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

# Enable alternative points counting for players.
# If enabled then RankPointsForKill is ignored.
# Example: RankPointsDownAmounts = 100,50,10,1,0
# For first kill awards 100, 2nd kill give 50, ... , 0.
# It can be manipuleted by LegalKillProtection and DailyLegalKillProtection.
# IMPORTANT: Protection X value cannot be less than size of RankPointsDownAmounts. Example: min value for example data is 5.
RankPointsDownCountEnabled = False
RankPointsDownAmounts = 100,50,10,1,0

# Shout current Points info for killer & victim.
RankShoutInfoOnKillEnabled = True

# Shout Bonus Points informations for killer.
# Require: RankShoutInfoOnKillEnabled = True
RankShoutBonusInfoOnKillEnabled = True

# If enabled shows informations about Total Kills on Victim, otherwise show informations about Legal Kills on Victim.
TotalKillsInShoutEnabled = True

# If enabled, gives Rank Points for kill PK player (player with red nick).
RankRewardForPkKillerEnabled = True

# If enabled, Rank Points for kill unflaged player will be awarded (PK mode). Default false. 
RankRewardForInnocentKillEnabled = False

# Nick and Title colors for each rank.
# INFO: Do not put RED, PURPLE, or LIGHT RED Nick Colors. This colors are used in game!
# Colors must have HTML format (6 letters (hex)).
# Format: ABCDEF,0103FF, ... ,ABCDEF
# Minimum: 000000, Maximum: FFFFFF.
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in RankNames.
# First color on left is for the highest rank, [5 Star General].
NickColorEnabled = true
NickColors = 5D0202,00FFEB,FFE200,00ABFF,FF0000,FF76F6,707700,447700,353535,FFFFFF,0F0F0F,FF6200,FF0000,00FFAB,EFFF00,89851F,89851F,666666,856250,00FF00,000DFF,00FF49,D5FF00,FF6F00,F08C8C,F152FF,A9537E,A9A753,FFFE8D,4B8B8A,5E4B8B,5530AD,06B06A,53B006,000000,B3B3B3,FFBC00,F0FE98,FF0000,000000,3700FF,00C0FF

TitleColorEnabled = true
TitleColors = 5D0202,00FFEB,FFE200,00ABFF,FF0000,FF76F6,707700,447700,353535,FFFFFF,0F0F0F,FF6200,FF0000,00FFAB,EFFF00,89851F,89851F,666666,856250,00FF00,000DFF,00FF49,D5FF00,FF6F00,F08C8C,F152FF,A9537E,A9A753,FFFE8D,4B8B8A,5E4B8B,5530AD,06B06A,53B006,000000,B3B3B3,FFBC00,F0FE98,FF0000,000000,3700FF,00C0FF
# 								 	  War Kills 						     	 -
# Enable war kills counter
WarKillsEnabled = True

# Ratio for Rank Points when killed a player from War Clan. 
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# 2.0 mean 2 times more points for kill. 
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not multiplied.
WarRankPointsRatio = 1.2

# 								 	 Combo Kills						     	 -
# Combo system allow get combo for killing the victims. 
# Combo will be reseted if character will die, relog, join to event or olympiad.
# Combo system disabled on events and olympiad (option inherited from Rank PvP System).

# Enable combo kill system.
ComboKillEnabled = True

# Shout messages for players, if killer kill more victims.
# Format: combo_kills,message; ... ;combo_kills,message
# List must be ORDERED from lowest to highest by combo_kills.
# Message can contain special tags: 
#	 %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
#	 %victim% - it will be replaced by victim name.
#	 %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# Local - shout message to visible players by killer.
# Global - shout message to all players online.
# Info: one of these lists can be empty, and combo_kills can be random numbers, but ordered (example: 1,msg;2,msg;3,msg;6,msg;7,msg;8,msg;10,msg;55,msg;100,msg).
# Checking priority: if combo_kills will be founded on local list, then global list is not checked.
ComboKillLocalAreaMessages = 2,%killer% is a good killer!;3,%killer% is a perfect killer!;4,%killer% have no mercy!;5,%killer% is in killing spree!;6,%killer% assassinate every target!;7,%killer% is killing master!;8,%killer% is a Uber killer!;9,%killer% own the battlefield!
ComboKillGlobalAreaMessages = 10,%killer% is Unstopable!!!

# Alternate combo message method, is not require for each combo level defining the message.
# Just one message for any combo level.
# If enabled shows combo size, example: Player have 5 Combo kills! or Player have 99 Combo kills!
# Message can contain special tags: 
#	 %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
#	 %victim% - it will be replaced by victim name.
#	 %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# If ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 20 then if player get combo level >= 20 it will be shout on global chat, otherwise on local chat. 
# If ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 0 it shouts all messages on local chat.
ComboKillAltMessagesEnabled = False
ComboKillAltMessage = %killer% have %combo_level% Combo kills!
ComboKillAltGlobalMessageMinLvl = 20

# If enabled shout messeage about defeated combo killer, if victim combo is greater than selected level.
ComboKillDefeatMessageEnabled = True
# Minimum combo level for show the defeat message. It not mess chat window with low combo level players.
# Require: ComboKillDefeatMessageEnabled = True
ComboKillDefeatMessageMinComboLvl = 3
# Message can contain special tags: 
#	 %killer% - it will be replaced by killer name.
#	 %combo_level% - it will be replaced by combo level.
# ComboKillDefeatMessage = %killer% is defeated! or:
ComboKillDefeatMessage = %killer% is defeated with %combo_level% combo lvl!!!

# Enable protection with Legal Kills, combo will rise if it's legal kill.
ComboKillProtectionWithLegalKillEnabled = False

# Enable protection with No Repeat for kill, combo will rise if victim is not on current combo list.
ComboKillProtectionNoRepeatEnabled = False

# If kill time between previous victim and next victim will be greater than ComboKillReseter, combo will be reseted.
# Time in seconds.
# 0 - disabled.
# Default: 300
ComboKillReseter = 300

# List contains combo kills and rank points ratio added to rank points for kill.
# Format: combo_kills,ratio; ... ;combo_kills,ratio
# List must be ordered from lowest to highest by combo_kills.
# Ratio must be greater than 1.0, otherwise will be ignored.
ComboKillRankPointsRatioEnabled = True
ComboKillRankPointsRatio = 5,1.1;6,1.2;7,1.3;8,1.4;9,1.5;10,1.6

# Combo can be enabled on events and olympiad. // UNUSED for now, it's inherited from Rank PvP System.
ComboKillOnEventsEnabled = False

# 					.pvpinfo command, and death manager options 	             -
# If enabled allow use .pvpinfo command on targeted player.
PvpInfoCommandEnabled = True

# If enabled change .pvpinfo for /pvpinfo command.
# IMPORTANT: Is require Client modification file: commandname-e.dat
# Information how to apply it in: ClientModInfo.txt
PvpInfoUserCommandEnabled = False
# ID of command, it is same id what is in commandname-e.dat.
PvpInfoUserCommandId = 1004

# If enabled .pvpinfo will be used by victim when Killer kill Victim.
PvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled = True

# Show additional button in PvPWindow after death. 
# Button allow see more details about killer. HP/MP/CP, equipment (enchant) if enabled. 
# It shows killer status only for kill MOMENT.
# Option requires CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled and CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled set on True.
DeathManagerDetailsEnabled = True
# Show killer equipment and items enchant level.
DeathManagerShowItemsEnabled = True

# Enable Rewards for obtain RankPoints.
# Rewards configuration in database table: custom_pvp_system_rank_reward.
# If enabled, button "Get Reward" appear in PvP Status Window. 
RankPointsRewardEnabled = True

# If enabled shows information about Total Kills in PvP Status Panel (.pvpinfo)
TotalKillsInPvpInfoEnabled = True

# If enabled shows information about Total Kills On Me in PvP Status Panel (.pvpinfo)
TotalKillsOnMeInPvpInfoEnabled = True

# 					  PvP / Rank / Reward / DM zone option's 					-
# Zone id's:
# 	ZONE_PVP = 1;
# 	ZONE_PEACE = 2;
# 	ZONE_SIEGE = 4;
# 	ZONE_UNUSED = 32;
# 	ZONE_WATER = 128;
# 	ZONE_JAIL = 256;
# 	ZONE_SWAMP = 1024;
# 	ZONE_OLY = 4096;
# 	ZONE_NOHQ = 8192
#	*other id's can be custom.
# Custom PvP System Anti-Farm options (zones id):
# Allowed zones id's. 
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Info: If empty all zones are allowed, otherwise system works in Allowed Zones only.
# Example: CustomPvpAllovedZonesIds = 1 , then system works ONLY in zones with ID = 1.
CustomPvpAllowedZonesIds = 

# Restricted zones id's. 
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Info: If empty no zones are restricted, otherwise system works in not Restricted Zones only.
# Default: CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096
# Example: CustomPvpAllovedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096 , then system works in zones with ID'S = 2,16,256,4096.
CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096

# Death Manager is disabled in this zones.
CustomPvpDeathManagerRestrictedZonesIds = 2,16,256,4096

# Rank Points Bonus Ratio Zones
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# Format: zoneId,ratio; ... ;zoneId,ratio
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
# Example: 2,1.5;13,1.2
# It will multiply rank points for Killer by 1.5 in area 2 , if Killer is inside this area.
CustomPvpRankPointsBonusZones =

# 			    					Anti-Farm 	         					     -
# INFO: Options to check farming players 
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
# If True protection is activated.
AntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
AntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
AntiFarmIpEnabled = False

# 			  					 Community Board        				   	     -
# Enable statistics system for community TOP LIST, data like top killers, top RP gatherers will be showed.
# Default: True
CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True

# Set a Time Limit (in days) for system counter. Options is used only for update Top Table.
# If some player not killed anybody from X days, he will be ignored on Top List.
# When ignored player kills somebody again he will return to counting pool on next update of Top Table.
# Disabled: 0
# Default: 30
CommunityBoardTopListIgnoreTimeLimit = 30

# 			    						Database 						             -
#--------------- DO NOT CHANGE IT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING! --------------

# Interval between PvpTable dump into database (in minutes).
# Value must be greater than 1 or will be overrided for 1.
# Default: 5
PvpTableUpdateInterval = 5

# Interval between TopTable updates (in minutes).
# Value must be greater than 10 or will be overrided for 10.
# Default: 60 Safe: 1440 (24h)
# Option is enabled if CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True.
# IMPORTANT: for online 500+ CAN do lag for few seconds [1s - 7s] when updating, so this is why this value is set on 1440.
TopTableUpdateInterval = 1440

# If enabled, on server startup system will clean up permanenlty Pvp Table from unactive players.
# Default: False
DatabaseCleanerEnabled = true
# If player not logged into game from X days, his data will be removed from Pvp Table PERMANENTLY!
# Option will be useful for big online servers.
# Value must be greater than 0, otherwise DatabaseCleanerEnabled will be changed on False.
# Default: 60
DatabaseCleanerRepeatTime = 60


αν μπω με διπλή εργασια μπορώ να feedarw Κανονικά...μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το fix Παρακαλώ?

Διοτι το rankpvpsystem δηνει πολλα rewards Κτλ...και θα ηθελα να μην επιτρεπετε το dualbox!

3 answers to this question

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# INFO: Options to check farming players 
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
# If True protection is activated.
AntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
AntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
AntiFarmIpEnabled = False

'άλλαξε αυτό AntiFarmIpEnabled = False

σε AntiFarmIpEnabled = True

Και είσαι ετοιμος.

  • 0
[Funky" post=2666765" timestamp="1378116311]

# INFO: Options to check farming players 
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
# If True protection is activated.
AntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
AntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
AntiFarmIpEnabled = False

'άλλαξε αυτό AntiFarmIpEnabled = False

σε AntiFarmIpEnabled = True

Και είσαι ετοιμος.

10000 thanks!!!

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