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Guest skaros

Once upon a time there was a young human searching for quests.




He talked to Arnold or he gave him a quest


width=640 height=400http://imageshack.gr/files/6nqinuxm1aogxmt1e4th.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=363http://imageshack.gr/files/s1p9kc1pujvldnti57vy.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=322http://imageshack.gr/files/eys5tir4k1dzwxs3if5s.jpg[/img]


Mr.Noob searched and found baium and he tried to kill him


width=640 height=441http://imageshack.gr/files/oud6f4x8e5e9xhzkl0qk.jpg[/img]


After killing him he returned to Arnold


width=640 height=356http://imageshack.gr/files/depfvttly3ybbjxmmpss.jpg[/img]


And then he went hunting for elpies.


width=640 height=413http://imageshack.gr/files/fjqt3xkr47i66qre59h9.jpg[/img]


Poor Mr.Noob died from the elpy.... but!The guard rewarded him anyway!


width=640 height=428http://imageshack.gr/files/lsbr0lvs5vx7k9r1ifj6.jpg[/img]



And they had a normal life ever after???? O.o





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