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We need newbie 20 lvl we going to Gludio To the Newbie Guide we press buff

if we are a warrior and we are buffed by Haste

Then we going to die but before a mob kills us we use a potion of Alacrity lvl 1

then press To Nearest Village and as soon as u appear in the town use the potion many times and the AtCk Speed Will increase

This bug doesnt dissapears after the death of the Char it only dissapears after Restart


Another Types of this bug:

(Buff)Shield --->A mage Buffing us many time With Shield Lvl 1(all the same before)

(Buff)Acumen lvl 3 ----> Casting Speed POtion Lvl 2

(Buff)Wind Walk ------>Haste Potion


This Was Working on my server


By B@nTiTo

  On 12/27/2006 at 11:45 PM, ProLuXeR said:

Is this realy working in servers? BTW onlu java or and official?Well i will try it and Post soon :)

so? i didn't test it but... C5=java (for now), off=C4 only, and imo l2off exploits are 20x rarer than l2j exploits, guys sometimes i'am just thinking that u r coming here to lern l2j exploit and use it on this shitty l2j servers only just to use exploit... you are not searching for exploit which works on your server, to help you get something u want, you just read about l2j exploit and u r searching for servers on which it works, so u r not playing Lineage2 (and using exploits for "little help"), u r using exploit (and playing L2...lul), rly dumb... now go and touch yourself cuzz u know how to make mullticlass on l2j^^ (btw: who dont know that?)

  On 12/30/2006 at 12:23 AM, dejvis said:


Is this realy working in servers? BTW onlu java or and official?Well i will try it and Post soon :)

so? i didn't test it but... C5=java (for now), off=C4 only, and imo l2off exploits are 20x rarer than l2j exploits, guys sometimes i'am just thinking that u r coming here to lern l2j exploit and use it on this shitty l2j servers only just to use exploit... you are not searching for exploit which works on your server, to help you get something u want, you just read about l2j exploit and u r searching for servers on which it works, so u r not playing Lineage2 (and using exploits for "little help"), u r using exploit (and playing L2...lul), rly dumb... now go and touch yourself cuzz u know how to make mullticlass on l2j^^ (btw: who dont know that?)

I didnt know how to multiclass.... And i feel that your post offences me a bit...
  On 12/31/2006 at 1:34 AM, otg said:

hey hey hey  TEAM SPIRIT :P ..........................btw u want to know how u multiclass?


lol man i said i DIDN'T KNOW... now i know... Both ways... (i am the author of a guide about multiclassing with hlapex... remember?)
  On 12/30/2006 at 12:23 AM, dejvis said:


Is this realy working in servers? BTW onlu java or and official?Well i will try it and Post soon :)

so? i didn't test it but... C5=java (for now), off=C4 only, and imo l2off exploits are 20x rarer than l2j exploits, guys sometimes i'am just thinking that u r coming here to lern l2j exploit and use it on this shitty l2j servers only just to use exploit... you are not searching for exploit which works on your server, to help you get something u want, you just read about l2j exploit and u r searching for servers on which it works, so u r not playing Lineage2 (and using exploits for "little help"), u r using exploit (and playing L2...lul), rly dumb... now go and touch yourself cuzz u know how to make mullticlass on l2j^^ (btw: who dont know that?)


devis got the point... i'm plaing on l2off serv and its really hard to find expoli there :/


I agree with those 2 guys.


I am playing on a l2OFF as well, but haven't find ANY eqploit yet. I really want to learn how to hack this but i don't know where to start!

Please give me some advice. (i know alot about packets already ;))


  On 1/3/2007 at 12:48 PM, boever said:

I agree with those 2 guys.


I am playing on a l2OFF as well, but haven't find ANY eqploit yet. I really want to learn how to hack this but i don't know where to start!

Please give me some advice. (i know alot about packets already ;))


now l2off has very good antihacking protection... you could hack l2off servers back to c1 when the protection was weaker... But now it's too dificult for a mediocre "hacker" to bypass the protection

Any1 ever tried resending a packet when completing a quest, on L2OFF ?

I expecting the message, you don't have the required items.. but i'm going to try this anyway.


Ooh i see :) .. so u actually found something usefull ?

Guess i'll try all quests :/ rofl  , or do u say it's not worth it ?


U can always pm me a hint :P

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