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interlude [L2J]L2Alone


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Dear players, we want to announce about new season in our MID server at 2013/06/29 16:00 GMT+2 ( 2013 June 29 ) . All characters will be deleted and server will be wiped. You will be able to see our fixes/patches, many requested changes and exploits fixed from our last season.

Server website: PRESS HERE ( http://l2alone.eu )

Server start date: 2013.06.29 - 16.00 (GMT+2) (2013 June 29)

Client and Platform

Client - Interlude C6.

Server is secured with protection from bot's and other stuff.

Paid Geodata + Pathnodes.


XP - 75x

Party XP - 1.5x

SP - 75x

Drop - 30x

Adena - 50x

Spoil - 30x

Quest Reward - 10x

Quest Drop - 15x

RaidBoss Drop - 10x

*Enchant Rates

Max Enchant - +16

Safe Enchant - +4

Simple Scroll - 58%

Blessed Scroll - 68%

Crystal Scroll - 68%


Olympiad system is every week.

Hero changes every saturday night 24:00(GMT+2).

Olympiad starts at 18:00(GMT+2) and ends at 24:00(GMT+2)

After heroes changes there is 12hours period time.

After period time ends, you will be able to receive hero from monument.

Gate Pass is only exchangeable during period time.


Class change - Free

Subclass - No quest

Buff time - 2 hours

28 Buff Slots + 4 debuff.

Main town Giran.

Fully working Raidbosses.

Fully working Grandbosses.

Fully working Offline shops.

Fully working Sieges.

Fully working Auto Event.

Fully working Augmentation.

Fully working Olympiad.

Scheme buffer

GM Shop up to B-Grade (Can be found at GMSHOP npc).

Wedding manager.

Buffer + Buff Profiles/Schemes.

Merchant of Mammon (Can be found at Giran City ).

Blacksmith of Mammon (Can be found at Giran City ).

Catacombs/Necropolis Gatekeeper

*Server commands

.menu (Bind HWID, Change EXP rate, Change Password and etc..).


Also, we have event, to make your game easier.

Facebook event. Go to our facebook group(You can find it in our website) and participate in event.

Share reward: 30 Donation Points

Like reward: 20 Donation Points

Comment reward: 12 Donation Points!


For more information, you can find in our website!


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Server had problems  with website - fixed!

Some minor fixes were made during test mode!


didiuk, you'r welcome to join!

Zero Hour reward is x1, but im happy to hear opinion about that, and also, players from last season know, that server starts only with 'frames' - i always adjust server by majority request. Forum will appear shortly, so you will be able to discuss rates/quest rewards and etc. :)

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We had DDoS attacks on site(6GBs), but we managed to deal with it.. Later that day our hosting provider sends us a letter (day before start) that your partnership with us is declined, i can't use they'r hosting anymore, lol! Anyways, i have a hosting, just that our DNS is taking time to redirect to it from l2alone.eu :(

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It depends what you want, how you want to donate and from which country you are.

There won't be any undertable market, Donations will be only from hats to nobless and vip status(2x rates for 7days). Donations are enabled to keep server alive, i don't need any money from it, so there won't be any unlisted items.

There will be paypal (cheapier) and SMS(prices depends from country).


I guess we won't be able to start today - reason simply - our host just canceled our subsciption. DNS change (l2alone.eu) takes time to change to another host

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