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As the title says , I sell remote ddos protection that can handle more that 40GBps.

Members of hf, used some botnets and famous stresser and tryied to get me down, but unsuccesfully.(I asked them to attack me , for security testing porpuse) , I've got attack from a stresser witch claims that can reach 50GBps+ , Anyway if you have any account on stresser,botnet or something you can try it before you buy it.

It protects all the types of known attacks, Like UDP, UDP-LAG, SYN,SSYN , ARME ATTACK , SLOWRIS and more++.


It suits perfectly on live gameserver , such as cs,lineage2,wow and other popular online games, It can also protect your webserver.


Pm me here , Or Via skype : white_attack .

If you have any question , feel free to ask.


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