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Concepts of Gamehacking





    4.Memory Hacking

    5.Trainer Making (Under Construction)




It is absolutely VITAL that one have a very good understanding of the Basics of C++ before they even think about beginning gamehacking with C++. It is especially important to understand pointers. The whole concept of gamehacking relies heavily on the idea of pointers. Assuming one already has a basic understanding of C++ let's begin.



If you thought this part would be any easier then learning the basics of C++ then you are grossly mistaken. It is now having a basic understanding of C++ that you will learn how to actually apply that knowledge to create hacks. By the end of completing and understanding these beginner concepts you should understand memory hacks and enough D3D to build on more advanced concepts etc. Of course the real limit of what you can do is only limited by your skill and proficiency. This Guide covers DirectX and MemoryHacking. I find OpenGL is mainly used in older games, so I will not be writing up anything on that. This Guide will grow and develop along with my own growth as a gamehacker as well as others. What this guide will not include or cover are AddressLoggers, StrideLoggers or Development of a UCE. These concepts require a mastery of DirectX and MemoryHacking which you should develop here. One thing you should realize is that certain games have hack-detctions software (PunkBusters, Hacksheild, etc.) So you might not be able to apply these concepts on popular games, without a bypass. Luckily there are many free games out there with virtually no hack protection that we can use to apply these concepts; I will list some of these games herein.





DirectX is the SDK that most modern games use to create 3D shapes,objects,etc. Combat Arms, WarRock, and pretty much every new game uses DirectX. So if you want to hack a game programmed in DirectX it's probably a good idea to learn DirectX. In fact it would be nearly impossible to make hacks such as chams, crosshairs, wallhacks, etc. without some knowledge of DirectX. One think you should know is that DirectX uses the Windows API. Now it's not that important to learn the whole API. YOu should only need a small portion of it. All that being said: this section will lists some resources for learning DirectX.





DirectX Programming Books :


Beginning Game Programming, Second Edition

This actually seems like a very good book. I had a chance to glance at one in the bookstore the other day. Basically it teaches you the little bit about the Windows API you need to know to be able to start programming in DirectX. I plan on buying it myself when I have a chance.


Learn DirectX Online:

If you choose not to get a book then your going to have to piece together how much stuff you need to know about Win32 API to understand DirectX. These are some good links found just surfing around the net here and there:

DirectX Links:

Toymaker's Game Programming I don't think it's the actual Toymaker, but if your not learning from a book, this website is about as good as your ever going to get. 5/5

DirectX Tutorial Incomplete tutorial

CodeSampler.com - The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Direct3D Incomplete tutorial

************* - Tutorial Database - find all you are need to know everything There's a little of everything here. DirectX too.


WinAPI Links:

Windows_Programming This Wiki Book takes the cake, every good online starter to WinAPI Programming.

theForger's Win32 API Tutorial A good tutorial.

Create a Basic Window Has very good reviews.

Windows API Tutorial There really are not that many good Win32 tutorials out there.


Tools for DirectX

Jetamay's D3D Form Class For D3D9. Helps in manipulation of DirectX objects.

Rarus' Texture Logger Posted by Matrix_NEO006


Memory Hacking


Memory Hacking is an important concept in gamehacking. It involves the use of a memory scanning tool, such as Cheat Engine (created by: Dark_Byte), Memory Hacking Software (created by: L.Spiro), or another program to scan the memory space of a program in search of certain values that may be of interest to us gamehackers. After running a scan the software will then proceed to give us a list of memory addresses that contain those values. Now the real trick here is learning how to use these popular Memory Hacking Softwares effectively.

That means knowing what value your looking for, understanding how certain values are stored, and locating DMA(Dynamic Memory Allocation) values, or values that change addresses spaces as the program is started up each time or sometimes even round to round, depending what kind of game. It is crucial to figure how memory is allocated and how these softwares work in order to speed up a otherwise lengthy process.


L.Spiro's Memory Hacking Software DOWNLOAD MHS http://memoryhacking.com/download.php]http://memoryhacking.com/download.php]DOWNLOAD MHS http://memoryhacking.com/download.php


Understanding Memory Searching:

Memory Searching Tutorials

I know this is just a like to CE.org, but this site contains tons of tutorials on everything from finding pointers, DMA, Auto assembler, etc.

Server Sided vs. Client sided:

Explains the difference between and why they are important to memory hacking. [url=http://www.mpgh.net/forum/161-programming-tutorials/87303-beginner-concepts-game-hacking-3.html#post1283655]http://www.mpgh.net/forum/161-programming-tutorials/87303-beginner-concepts-game-hacking-3.html#post1283655


Memory Hacking Tools:

Jetamay's cAddressTable A class for manipulating addresses in C++. http://www.mpgh.net/forum/31-c-c-programming/65313-caddresstable.html



Matrix_NEO006's C++ Code Injection Turorial . http://www.mpgh.net/forum/161-programming-tutorials/87303-beginner-concepts-game-hacking-2.html#post1167770

Using Memory Hacking Software:

MHS Tutorials L.Spiro's forum for MHS. This is their tutorial forum. http://memoryhacking.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=5

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