kalhspera, mporw na tropopioisw ta quest (suggekrimena tou subclas) etsi oste ama exeis to teliko item na to dexete o npc?
dld gia paradigma akouste ti thelw na kanw k tha katalabete pou kolaw, thelw me ton admin na dosw to item mimir's elixir pou einai to teleuteo quest item gia subclass,
afou to exeis auto to item sta xeria sou to epomeno bhma einai na to dwseis ston npc kai na mpwreis na kaneis subclass san na exei kanei olokliro to quest,
ekei pou thelw na kataliksw einai oti thelw na dinw auto to mimir's elixir se characters kai o npc na to dexete, antithetos twra enw to dino to item apo ton admin o npc den to dexete
kai se bazei na kaneis to Q enw exei 1/1 item, me to zori dld na to shkwseis apo mob h me ton normal tropo pou thelei to Q.
uparxei h epilogi se kapoio file tou server na dexete to item xwris na kitaei an exei kanei ta proigoume part?
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Attention all Clan Leaders,
We are officially starting tomorrow! If you bring your clan to Expose , you will have the opportunity to compete for a cash prize (200 Euros - Aden Castle) and claim exclusive special rewards (5.000 Ethereal Tokens - Donation Reward) for your members.
This is your chance to prove your strength, dominate the battlefield, and be rewarded for your leadership.
How to participate?
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Lineage II Expose Team
kalhspera, mporw na tropopioisw ta quest (suggekrimena tou subclas) etsi oste ama exeis to teliko item na to dexete o npc?
dld gia paradigma akouste ti thelw na kanw k tha katalabete pou kolaw, thelw me ton admin na dosw to item mimir's elixir pou einai to teleuteo quest item gia subclass,
afou to exeis auto to item sta xeria sou to epomeno bhma einai na to dwseis ston npc kai na mpwreis na kaneis subclass san na exei kanei olokliro to quest,
ekei pou thelw na kataliksw einai oti thelw na dinw auto to mimir's elixir se characters kai o npc na to dexete, antithetos twra enw to dino to item apo ton admin o npc den to dexete
kai se bazei na kaneis to Q enw exei 1/1 item, me to zori dld na to shkwseis apo mob h me ton normal tropo pou thelei to Q.
uparxei h epilogi se kapoio file tou server na dexete to item xwris na kitaei an exei kanei ta proigoume part?
pls help!
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