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[L2j] Wargods x33


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If its not hard for you please click on this link its invitation event :) http://www.wargods.eu/invite/index.php?pakviete=ciobrelis


Grand Opening today! 1 Hour from now!



EXP: 33x

SP: 33x

Adena: 33x

Drop: 16x

Spoil: 16x

RaidBossDrop: 10x

GrandBossDrop: 2x

Quest Drop: 6x

Quest Reward: 2x



Safe Enchant: 3

Max Enchant: 16

Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 55%

Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 60%

Element Stone Rate: 50%

Element Crystal Rate: 30%



Max Buff A-beep-t: 24 (+4 Divine Inspiration)

Dances & Songs: 12

Trigger Buffs: 12

Auto Loot: Enabled

Drop Protection: Enabled

Player Spawn Protection: 30 Seconds

Weight Limit: x10

Hero Period: 2 Weeks

Max Subclasses: 3

Max Subclass Level: 85

Subclass Without Quest: Enabled

Class Master: Enabled

Auto Learn Skills Include FGS: Enabled


Community Board

Shop - Armors, Weapons and Jewels up to S-Grade. Misc and consumables included.

Board Buffer including Schemes PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS.

Global Gatekeeper with all Towns & Areas & Gracia Areas & much more usefull areas.

Class Master - 1ST,2ND and 3RD class transfers for free.

Statistics - Top 10 PVP/PK/Online/Clans and Castles information.



Vote Reward System

Loads of custom events

List is not full yet!


Read more: http://wargods.eu/info.php#ixzz2PDtrUpSx

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The shittest server i ever joined.. Fix the motherfucking buffer and geodata omfg! It is home made lag server with no scripts and geodata at all.. I warp to walls, attack monsters from walls and etc.. On lvl 1 i gived 4925 dmg to a lvl 40 char full buffed with c grade equipments omfg!?!?!

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