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I searched here and i didn't found it so here it is a guide


there are 3 types of zaken



Zaken type: Zaken (60)

Parties: 8 parties

Player level: 55 - 65

Time limit: 1 hour



Daytime (easy)

Zaken type: Zaken (60)

Parties: 1 party

Player level: 55 - 65

Time limit: 1 hour




Daytime (hard)

Zaken type: Zaken (83)

Parties: 1-3 parties (command channel)

Player level: 78 - 88

Time limit: 6 hours


1)Make  good party/ies

2)Teleport from giran to the giran harbor and speak to Somulitan "Zaken Researcher" at the spawn. He will teleport you to the deck of the zaken ship

3) There you will find the next npc, the Pathfinder Worker. He will teleport your group inside the ship if you meet all requirements.

4) Find zaken


thats the hard part of it but there is a way:


The candles will help you to find him. If you speak to a candle, the candle either turns red or blue. If it turns blue then you know that Zaken is a room which is connected with the candle. If it turns red then you know Zaken is NOT in any room which is connected to the candles room.


also there are 3 floors

and here some pic how instance is

Floor 1


Floor 2


Floor 3




If you are 78 or above  don't forget to take the quest from rune from Weaver Olf Adams


Zaken Embroidered Soul Cloak


Credits:Me + one clan forum  making this guide

Pics from l2wiki


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