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After one week of testing and fixing, we can happily announce server grand opening date, which will be March 27, 16:00(GMT+2).

Server is using paid server files(platform). Players who participated in test server will know, that server support gives the answers at the same minute you ask.

We'r doing Facebook event (like and share our page, and you will get support points when server starts.), also clans who will have more than 15 players online will receive 10k Clan reputation points.

Website: http://l2alone.eu





Experience (XP): x75

Spell Points (SP): x75

Drop (Adena): x50

Drop (Items): x15

Spoil: x35

Quest reward: x3

Quest drop: x10

RaidBoss Drop: x15



#Enchant Rates

Max. Enchant a-beep-t: +16

Chance (for regular scrolls): 58%

Chance (for blessed scrolls): 64%



Olympiad system is every week.

Hero changes every saturday night 24:00(GMT+2).

Olympiad starts at 18:00(GMT+2) and ends at 24:00(GMT+2)

After heroes changes there is 24hours period time.

After period time ends, you will be able to receive hero from monument.

Gate Pass is only exchangeable during period time.


#Boss spawn time

Valakas: 192+6 hours

Antharas: 72+4 hours

Baium: 48+4 hours

Frintezza: 48+6 hours

Zaken: 40+4 hours

Ant Queen: 24+2 hours

Core: 33+4 hours

Orfen: 20+4 hours

Barakiel: 5+1 hours


#Additional information

Server has Wedding manager

GM-Shop up to B-Grade

Buffer(24Slots +4Divine) with buff profiles

You can find Merchant of Mammon at Giran

You can find Blacksmith of Mammon at Giran

Castle sieges are fully working

Sub-classes without quest

Auto and free skill learn

Auto and free class learn

Fully working skills

Mammon without 7s period

You can find Caradine Letter 65Lv at GM-Shop

Voiced command .menu - you can fully customize your character with this




lol you are idiot? wat srv i open ?



First of all i want to tell you that im not even a bit related to old administration of L2Alone.

Second of all, sorry if this server advertisement made you mad.


Now about server,

Today we have managed to fix over 40+ bugs (Including minor ones and big ones).

As there is few minor patches left, we can say that we need to think about server live date ( Test server is still on with test shop (includes items up to s grade and rb jewels)).

Live server date will be March 27 (More details tomorrow).


By the way, we'r using russians platform(Which is now 90% translated into English).


man add symbol maker on all town and change language on monastery of silence is roussian mobs solina brother and seker

Thank you for your commits. I will spawn symbol makers and translate MoS monsters first thing tomorrow morning, been online today more than 8 hours to apply all commits submited by players.

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