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Hi maxcheaters.I need to ask something.I wanted to import a .png file into a .utx file.I searched all over the internet and found how to do it but when I open my client my game crashes and this message is in LineageII Crash Report :


Texture Reckoning.CasR: Serial size mismatch: Got 59, Expected 1540




EDIT : Lol I just did it. :P




I'll tell you exactly my steps so you can tell me where I am wrong.


1.First I take the .png file and I open it with MS Paint to resize it from 64x64 into 32x32.

2.Then I open the .png file with IrfanView to convert it into .tga

3.I open the Unrealed.Then New->I put the name normally->Import>The .tga file.

4.I change the compression into DXT3.

5.I save it.

6.I use encdec.

7.I put the new *.utx file into Systextures folder of my L2 client.

8.And then I edit the weapongrp.dat


At the end my game crashes and the Message above comes up.


My main question is : Do I need Photoshop?I mean that maybe IrfanView don't convert it correct.

In addition I think that maybe the encdec.exe is not working.

I am trying to download this so I can be sure that these are the programs.


but the link is not working.

Can anybody help me?


Thanks a lot.

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