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  • 4 weeks later...



[1:55:48 PM] Maximus Toledo: i cant change pack now is almost done all just 3 things i need to fix

[1:56:02 PM] Maximus Toledo: if u can help me tell me

[1:58:02 PM] Wing Chun: bro

[1:58:07 PM] Wing Chun: i dont work with 10-30 euro

[1:58:12 PM] Wing Chun: minimum 50 euro

[1:59:04 PM] Maximus Toledo: 50 euro for this 3 things?

[1:59:29 PM] Wing Chun: yes, i dont work for 30 euro, for me its not money

[1:59:43 PM] Maximus Toledo: omfg mate the server is ready almost all is done to fix 1 npc and to fix status armors bonus i think is...lol


[16:52:49] Maximus Toledo: hi man

[16:52:51] Wing Chun: hi

[16:52:58] Maximus Toledo: i need some dev work

[16:53:17] Maximus Toledo:  well mi server is online and i have some dev skills to but rookie

[16:53:22] Maximus Toledo: and i have 3 problems

[16:53:46] Maximus Toledo: 1] i dont get the armor set bonus from a new armor what i add

[16:54:28] Maximus Toledo: 2] i cant fix 1 npc  substack i allready add that in my msql but in game i see 1 rabit

[16:54:45] Maximus Toledo: 3] i need to make 1 update  with mi items

[16:54:49] Wing Chun: u cant fix substack

[16:54:53] Wing Chun: must be inside core

[16:55:03] Wing Chun: we have our pack, we adited substuck mod

[16:55:09] Maximus Toledo: btw is l2j frozen

[16:55:36] Maximus Toledo: i cant change pack now is almost done all just 3 things i need to fix

[16:55:50] Maximus Toledo: if u can help me tell me

[16:57:50] Wing Chun: bro

[16:57:55] Wing Chun: i dont work with 10-30 euro

[16:58:00] Wing Chun: minimum 50 euro

[16:58:52] Maximus Toledo: 50 euro for this 3 things?

[16:59:17] Wing Chun: yes, i dont work for 30 euro, for me its not money

[16:59:31] Maximus Toledo: omfg mate the serevr is ready almost all is done to fix 1 npc and to fix status armors bonus i think is...lol

[16:59:41] Wing Chun: here have can 1 thing! but possible be hard!

[16:59:49] Wing Chun: ask other dev

[16:59:51] Wing Chun: then

[17:00:02] Maximus Toledo: k np cya

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