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[TUTORIAL] Network Traffic Flow

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To begin with, let's start off from the very beginning. I'll go through the very basics and fundamentals of networking and reaching to a somewhat decent level of knowledge, concluding with all the detailed aspects of managing networks and servers' operations.


How servers communicate with each other


The network flow consists of packets that are being exchanged over the World Wide Web (WWW, as we know it). In order for a client to exchange information with a specific server, the client must sent over packets containing the request over to the server. The server then returns an answer for the request contained within packets of data. A flow is the period of time within which, packets from the same source and destination have occurred.




Depending on the link the traffic can be:





The uni-directional traffic is a one-way traffic that creates one flow and does not use reverse channel arguments unlike some protocols like TCP. A basic example of a uni-directional traffic would be using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) so as to generate a single flow without requesting an answer from the server.




The bi-directional traffic is a two-way traffic that creates two flows. One flow is generated upon a request made to the server by the client and a second flow is being generated in order to return the answer to the client from the server. Common usage of a bi-directional traffic is that of sockets and also ICMP as a protocol.




Both of them are part of the so-called UDLD (Unidirectional Link Detection) data link layer that has the mission to determine whether a link is broken or not.


So basically the first thing the client has to do in order to establish a connection to a particular node (connection point), he must generate an endpoint which will use a specific transport provider to carry the information. Next step is to specify the node itself with the address information so as for the client to be able to locate the destination. Then the client-server connects to the server and awaits a response.


Whenever the server analyzes the payload it is ready to return an answer whether the request had been accepted or rejected. Then the communication between the nodes is over and the connection is aborted.




The duplex is a point-to-point system, consisting of two nodes that communicate and exchange information with each another. Depending on the type of communication those systems are half-duplex and full-duplex.


The half-duplex is when only one of the connection points can send/receive at a moment.


The full-duplex is when both nodes send and receive data over the network simultaneously.


OSI Model


Most plainly said, the Open Systems Interconnection (abbreviated OSI) model defines the phases that the data must be parsed through in order to reach a certain node over a network. It allocates different types of payloads of delivery into different protocols that are part of layers. The OSI model consists of seven layers. Each layer consists of protocols. Those are (as follows):




Physical Layer [#1]


This layer is the first and lowest in the OSI model. It is responsible for the management of electrical signals. A fundamental layer configuring the logical data structures of the higher level functions in a network. Some of it's protocols are:




► Telephone network modems- V.92

► IRDA physical layer

► USB physical layer

► EIA RS-232, EIA-422, EIA-423, RS-449, RS-485

► Ethernet physical layer

► Varieties of 802.11 Wi-Fi physical layers




► Optical Transport Network (OTN)

► GSM Um air interface physical layer

► Bluetooth physical layer

► ITU Recommendations: see ITU-T

► IEEE 1394 interface

► TransferJet physical layer




The Physical layer mainly manages cables, connectors, hubs, and repeaters.


Data Link Layer [#2]


The Data Link or just Link Layer is responsible for addressing between nodes, error notifications and output of server-side errors. Most usually we come to know it around the casual status codes like 403, 404 etc. that we encounter upon an unsuccessful attempt to access a page, directory or link. The following protocols append to the Data Link layer:






► Different types of tunnels

► L2TP

► Ethernet





► Media Access Control




As I mentioned, part of this layer's duties is to notify of a permission denied page or other resources. As of that I have included the top most common status codes that occur.





Network Layer [#3]


This is the third layer in the OSI model also known as Internet Layer. The layer manages logical addressing between nodes, routing functions and host addressing where you can track the source to its location. Also controls message forwarding operations for packet forwarding over a network. Some of its protocols are:







► IPsec

► IP

► IPv4

► IPv6


► ICMPv6






We come to know it as of the IP (Internet Protocol) which is mostly used to determine users over a network and restrict permissions or grant privileges.


Transport Layer [#4]


Probably one of the most important layers in the OSI model. The Transport Layer (#4) provides end-to-end communication over a network. It also enables data being transferred in stealth and controls the flow. Usually Denial of Service attacks are being carried over this layer. Some of the protocols it includes are:














► WAP Datagram Protocol

► Xpress




Session Layer [#5]


A connection between two applications is called a session. The fifth layer - Session Layer - establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. The session layer (as of its name) operates sessions. It can open and/or close a session. Also responsible for the restoration of an inactive session and so on. The protocols that append to it are the following:








► Named Pipe







Presentation Layer [#6]


The sixth layer of the OSI model is the presentation layer. Imagine we have a courier, a recipient and a factory. This layer serves as the courier. It encrypts data over the network and configures it in a way that only the designated connection point can read  and accept it. By far it contains of only two protocols:





Application Layer [#7]


Now the final layer of the OSI model is the Application Layer (#7). This layer is pretty much responsible for identifying the connection points and user authentication. Its protocols rely on protocols from the transport layer in order to establish host-to-host connections. It includes the following protocols:





► DHCPv6



















► Telnet




Denial of Service




Let's see a basic example of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, carried out through a Slowloris script against an Apache server. Let's first load up our script. What the Slowloris attack does is open an amount of connections to a host and leaving them open for as long as possible. Meanwhile, whenever a connection is about to get terminated due to inactivity Slowloris sends HTTP headers to keep it alive. That way the DoS is rarely filtered up automatically and a system crashes quickly without manual nullrouting.


We will start by running the script with:




width=778 height=768http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u433/aeroxtk/wdada_zps8ec3071a.png[/img]


First of all, in case we are now aware of the timeouts, the script offers a mode for testing. Based on port usage Slowloris determines the timeouts itself, although the numbers won't be precise it is still recommended that we should first start off with this.


./slowloris.pl -dns [url=http://www.site.com]www.site.com[/url] -port 80 -test


But let's say we've got the timeout (for example the number 1500). What we want to do now is launch the actual attack.


./slowloris.pl -dns [url=http://www.site.com]www.site.com[/url] -port 80 -timeout 1500 -num 700 -tcpto 5


The -num switch is for how many sockets to be used to initiate the attack. Also the -tcpto should be set to the value of 5 (by default).


width=811 height=768http://i.imgur.com/e6rnuSe.png[/img]


Also a thing that could usually bust our whole attack is the HTTPReady accept filter. This filter buffers entire HTTP requests at the kernel level. Once the entire request is received, the kernel sends it to the server. So as Slowloris is based on opening connections and leaving them open for as long as possible, that pretty much fails our attack. However, the developer of the script has thought of this and developed a method that would send the attack as a POST verses a GET or HEAD request. We come to use it by the -httpready switch (how ironic).


width=748 height=768http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u433/aeroxtk/123_zpsbeccc689.png[/img]


Now let's have a look at some statistical information, Monitoring the bandwidth usage during the attack, it is plainly visible that we use a minimum part of it but actually manage to take down an Apache server with it. In comparison the this the victim we have targeted has most of its traffic timeout (in red).


width=1024 height=622http://i.imgur.com/XViEVT9.jpg[/img]


Smurf Attacks


Smurf attacks represent an attack carried over the IP protocol using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). ICMP packets are being sent in immense amounts with a spoofed Internet Protocol source. The attack is by far a pretty advanced method of attacking a server. It is both reflective and amplificational. Lemme explain it a bit plainer. The victim server returns an answer to the slave (which is in control of the actual attacker) from the ICMP request/packet. Each time it is being returned it gets multiplied as the attacker's server replies the answer that was first replied by the target. That explain both theories of amplification and reflection.




The more slaves there are, the harder the impact will be. In a network there may be hundreds of bots, all of which replying to the server responses and overloading it to excess. Smurfing attacks as mentioned above use a spoofed IP source to perform their attacks in stealth. The spoofed protocol is randomly generated sequence of numbers that does not originate in fact but has the illusion it does. However, if a developer blocks ICMP response packets this will pretty much mitigate the attack.




I guess, I placed it a bit noob friendly for people who are new to this. All in all took me two days but there is Part 2 coming soon. Thanks for reading!


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It aims in a legitimate fashion) - Bone and Multibone (Adjust which bone to aim at or select as many Bones as you want) - Smoothaim (Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag) - CloseAim (Toggle distance based aiming algorithm, for increased stickyness, or whoever is closest to the crosshair) - FoV (Adjust the Field of View of the aimbot or percentage of the screen that the aimbot will target enemies from) - Aimkey (Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim) - AimDraw (Toggle the drawing of the aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) - VisibleCheck (Visible checking on enemies with close enemy) - NoHop (Aim at One Target per press of the AimKey (Aimbot Doesn't Hop to Other Targets even after death) - RandomSpot (Randomizes the Spot around the target bones, making your aim look more humanized and legit) - Aimtime (Amount of time that the aimbot and Aimbot-RCS is active for, after you press the aimkey) - Ammo Management (Disable aimbot and TriggerBot when the gun clip is empty) - CloseFoV (Different FoV for players with in a certain distance (CloseFOV Distance) - AimOnShoot (Aim when shooting, aim when not shooting) - RecoilAfter (Start recoil after x bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps) - Recoil (Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot) - RecoilKey (Adjust which key the anti-recoil is set on (For all Aimbot Keys) - RecoilType (Control if recoil control is always on or only when using the Aimbot) - RecoilFOV (Adjust how long the Recoil will stay stuck to the target, very usable for when playing at a LAN) TRIGGERBOT: - TriggerBot (Automatically shoot at an enemy in a radius (usable with or without Aimbot) - TriggerKey (Control what key activates the TriggerBot (use with any key) - TriggerFov (Control the radius around the AimSpot which activates the TriggerBot) - TriggerDraw (Draw the bone spot that the TriggerBot is aiming at) - TriggerBone (Select the bone that the TriggerBot will target) - TriggerDelay (To add to the legitimacy of the TriggerBot, delays shooting for up to 0.5 seconds) - MonsterTrigger (Extremely Fast & Accurate TriggerBot with Fullbody Options Perfect TriggerBot) - VisCheck (Make sure you're only hitting enemies that you can see, or turn it off to get some sick wallbangs) - Random Delay (A random delay for your trigger bot to look even more legitimate) - Trigger Button (Use any button you like to control the triggerbot) ESP: - Name (Name of the player) - Health (Shows the current health of a player) - Armor (Shows the current amount of armor a player has) - ArmorType (Show if a player currently has a Kevlar vest, a helmet or both equipped) - Weapon (See what weapon a player is currently holding) - Weapon Ammo (See how much ammo you have left in the current clip) - Index (The internal index of the player based on the CSGO engine) - Distance (The distance of each player from you) - Box (A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (new rectangle box type) - Sequence (What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, Scoped etc) - Box Size & Box Multi (The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like) - Team ESP (Toggle ESP on your teammates) - Clean Draw ESP (Move ESP away from box) - Pixel ESP (Single Pixel ESP for legitimate play, shows one single pixel on the screen so it's not noticeable to any casual observers) - Visible ESP (Different color ESP for visible & non-visible players) - Entity ESP (See weapons, defusers, Bomb Location, and defusing players) - Entity Distance (Adjust how far away you will see different Entities for the ultimate in Player-Location assistance) - List ESP (The Ultimate Legit ESP, Listing Players that are not on your screen, or players anywhere in case you don't want to know where they are exactly) MISC: - Bunny Hop (Jumps automatically while the chosen key is being held) - Crosshair (When enabled it will draw a cross-hair on your screen, perfect for snipers, it also features an adjustable size) - Weapon Config System (Weapon configurations for each weapon group (pistols, deagle, snipers, SMG, Knife, rifles, etc) - Flash reduction (Make sure you can see enemies while you're supposed to be flashed) - Radar In Game (A radar is displayed where you see opponents) REQUIREMENTS: - Included HWID Spoofer: Yes - Stream Bypass: Yes - Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless - Supported CPU: Intel & AMD - Supported OS: Windows 10 (1903,1909,2004,20H2,21H1, 22H2), Windows 11 (All version). Supported OS change and are added periodically. More check on official website.   IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS:   - Check on the official website.
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