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[WTS]My personal account on EAST.


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Hello guys!


I wanna sell my personal account with many champions , skins etc.



Misc Informations:


Registered mail: YES.

Rune Pages: 2

Refunds Remaining: 1

RP: 461

IP: 1138

Transfer to another region: NO.




- Ahri

- Akali

- Alistar

- Amumu

- Annie

- Ashe

- Blitzcrank

- Brand

- Caitlyn

- Cassiopeia

- Darius

- Diana

- Draven

- Elise

- Evelynn

- Fiddlesticks

- Fiora

- Fizz

- Gangplank

- Graves

- Hecarim

- Janna

- Jax

- Jayce

- Karthus

- Katarina

- Kayle

- Kennen

- Kha'Zix

- Lux

- Master Yi

- Miss Fortune

- Nami

- Nasus

- Nautilus

- Nidalee

- Nocturne

- Nunu

- Olaf

- Pantheon

- Poppy

- Rengar

- Ryze

- Sejuani

- Shaco

- Shyvana

- Singed

- Sion

- Sivir

- Skarner

- Sona

- Soraka

- Swain

- Teemo

- Thresh

- Tristana

- Tryndamere

- Twisted Fate

- Twitch

- Varus

- Veigar

- Viktor

- Vladimir

- Volibear

- Wukong

- Xerath

- Xin Zhao

- Ziggs

- Zyra




- Unchained Alistar

- Red Riding Annie

- Boom Boom Blitzcrank

- Definitely Not Blitzcrank

- Apocalyptic Brand

- Zombie Brand

- Safari Caitlyn

- Mythic Cassiopeia

- Hired Gun Graves

- Phantom Karthus

- Grim Reaper Karthus

- Judgment Kayle

- Sorceress Lux

- Assassin Master Yi

- Road Warrior Miss Fortune

- Riot K-9 Nasus

- Forsaken Olaf

- Royal Shaco

- Augmented Singed

- Lumberjack Sion

- Arcade Sona

- Northern Front Swain

- Super Teemo

- Riot Girl Tristana

- Sultan Tryndamere

- Blight Crystal Varus

- Battlecast Xerath

- Viscero Xin Zhao



Offer via pm please or add me on skype: imixmaster


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Can you tell us the price? Also could someone tell us if this seller is trusted?

of course and i'm trusted member lol.

about price offer me via pm.


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Yeah dont take it personally man,didn't intend to offend you in any way :)

No problem.

If you wan't , you can send me your offer via pm.


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