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Hi everyone! I hope there is someone who can help me with my problem. I cant find anywhere in internet a good working php script for epics on H5. I use this script:

$raidspawn = mysql_query("SELECT boss_id,respawn_time FROM grandboss_data ORDER BY respawn_time DESC");
$total = mysql_num_rows($raidspawn);
$max_pag = 25;

$paginas =  (($total % $max_pag) > 0) ? (int)($total / $max_pag) + 1 : ($total / $max_pag);

if (isset($_GET['pagina'])){
   $pagina = (int)$_GET['pagina'];
   $pagina = 1;

$pagina = max(min($paginas, $pagina), 1);
$inicio = ($pagina - 1) * $max_pag;

$sql = "SELECT boss_id,respawn_time FROM `grandboss_data` ORDER BY `respawn_time` DESC LIMIT ".$inicio.", ".$max_pag;
$query = mysql_query($sql);
echo '<table id="table_boss" align=center cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">';
echo '<tr class="topo">
        <td class="t1"><b><font color="FFCC00">Name</font></b></td>
        <td class="t2"><b><font color="FFCC00">Status </font></b></td>
        <td class="t3"><b><font color="FFCC00">Spawn</font></b></td>
        <td class="t2"><b><font color="FFCC00">Level</font></b></td>
while(list($boss_id,$respawn_time) = mysql_fetch_row($query)){
   $raidnames = mysql_query("SELECT name,level FROM npc WHERE id = $boss_id");
    $text = '<font color="00FF00">ALIVE</font>';
   $respawn = '<font color="60BDFF">Spawned</font>';
    if($respawn_time > 0){
      $respawntime = date('d/m/Y \\ H:i:s',($respawn_time / 1000));
      $text = '<font color="FF0000">Dead</font>';
      $respawn = '<font color="FF0000">Respawn&nbsp'.$respawntime.'</font>';
   while(list($raidname,$levelup) = mysql_fetch_row($raidnames)){
      echo '<tr class="style10 t_corpo">
            <td class="style1">'.$raidname.'</td>
            <td class="style3">'.$text.'</td>
            <td class="style1">'.$respawn.'</td>
            <td class="style3">'.$levelup.'</td>

Its not accurate because when the RB is spawned in the web page its still showing Dead Respawn 25/01/2013 16:40:34

It never changed to ALIVE Spawned. Its like this only the first time before it gets killed. This is because in the MySQL table grandboss_data in column respawn_time the number inside never goes 0 again, it always remain the last UNIX timestamp like this 1359132034000.

So is there any way the script to be reworked so in web page to show Alive Spawned like it should?

I will be very grateful if someone can help me!

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