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Νέα επίθεση σε Σκοπιανικό site "Global Media Publishing" !



Macedonia is one and is Greek.

Η Μακεδονία είναι μία και είναι Ελληνική.

Македониа е една и Грчка.


We are GHS,

All of you VARDARSKians people, you don't even know where are you from. You are trying for years now to be Hellenes but you will never become one of us. If we close our port in Thessaloniki for your trucks, all of you, will starve to death. Instead of eating food, you will eat each other. Our politicians are assholes and keep the borders open to your filthy country and your thieves people. Albanians will overtake you in some years and you will be deleted from the world map. Keep searching to find someone's else history to steal... Macedonia for Macedonians! Skopje keep dreaming Macedonia, oh we will come to liberate Monastiri and Geugeli! Oh Macedonia!


Macedonia Revolution 1878 - Μακεδονική Επανάσταση 1878

Flag of West Macedonia 1878, Σημαία της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας 1878

Picture: http://s14.postimage.org/rf2e0j7k1/West_Macedonian_flag_1878.jpg

Original: http://s1.postimage.org/5d1j6w71b/West_Macedonia_flag_1878.jpg


Hacked by..

[ P.A.O.K. ]

Ελληνική Χάκινγκ Σκηνή

Грчка Хакерска Сцена

Greek Hacking Scene


+ Македонски Хакери, Грчка Хакерска Сцена +




Screenshot: http://s14.postimage.org/wzwqn86ip/global_media_publishing_paok_greek_hacking_scene.png

Page: http://gmp.mk/

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