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interlude [L2J] LineageEU Network GRAND OPENING TODAY!!!!!!!


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LineageEU Network Features


Server Rates:

Exp 5000x

Sp 5000x

Adena 3000x

Drop 1x

Enchant Safe +5

Enchant Max +20

Enchant Normal Scrolls 75%

Enchant Blessed Scrolls 100% 


Server Features:

Auto-Learn Skills

Balanced Classes (%90 of class balance, on %10 healer/asistant classes)

Wedding System

Clan Hall System

No Clan Penalty

Castle Siege System

Sub-Class System

Nobless System

Hero System (weekly)

Duel System

Unstuck 15 sec

All Nobless Skills

All Hero Skills

All Augmentation Skills (top grade skill chance %8)

Enchant Skills System (custom)

Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 3 Hours

C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills

Interlude Skills 99% Working (if any skill doesn't work its on %1, nothing wrong :d)

All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters

All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations

TvT Event (every day 12:30;13:30;14:30;15:30;16:30;17:30)

Gm Shop

Custom Shop

Custom Buffer (+scheme buffer)

Class Manager

Raid Info

Pk Guard

Wedding Manager

Custom Gatekeeper

Top Players NPC

Many GM Events with Special Prizes

Custom Farm Zones

PvP color system (250,500,1000,2500,5000)

Auto restart (every day at 05:00)


Website: www.LineageEU.net

Forum: www.LineageEU.net/forums

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