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classic LiNeAgE ][ R-Network ! Unique features , Easy server ! (PVP)

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Hello there , we are so glad to announce you that....a new revolutionary lineage 2 community was born !!!

Check our description , and visit the website , connect on the server !




»»»» Xp 900x

»»»» Sp 900x

»»»» Adena 900x

»»»» Drop 900x

»»»» Starting character level - 80.


Enchant rates:

»»»» Safe enchant +8.

»»»» Maximum enchant +25.

»»»» Normal scrolls chance - 70%.

»»»» Blessed scrollts chance - 85%.

»»»» Enchanter NPC chance - 100%.



»»»» Grand olympiad system is working 100% ,hero every week.

»»»» Olympiad 18:00 - 00:00 GMT+2

»»»» Weight limit , Grade penalty are disabled.

»»»» Maximum subclasses 6.

»»»» Free nobless status at Roy the cat.

»»»» Perfect class balance.

»»»» Interlude retail skills.

»»»» Maximum buff slots 64.

»»»» Buff time 3H,59Min.

»»»» Top Lifestone chance 40%.

Featured areas:

»»»» [MainTown] Giran Castle Town

»»»» Level Area

»»»» Farm-PvP Area (2)

»»»» RaidBoss Area(1)

»»»» Safe-Farm Area (1)


Cmmunity board(alt+b):

»»»» Announcements and changelog.

»»»» Top PvP,Top PK,Richest Players,Castle informations.

»»»» Server info,features and staff information.

»»»» Account info and repair character options.

»»»» Online GM and server statistics informations.


Reputation points system:

»»»» Spawned in Giran the manager of clan reputation quest.

»»»» Chose one of six bosses that you want to kill, with your clan.

»»»» Spawned in Giran near the manager the special rb teleporter.

»»»» Kill the boss with your clan, get back in town talk with the manager and receive your reputation points.

»»»» Respawn time of the bosses is 20 minutes , reward is 1000-1500 points for every boss.


Cazino system:

»»»» Bet 2,4,8 or 16 unique gold coins for a 50% chance to double them !

»»»» Unique gold coins are the vote system reward item , with them you can buy goods like LS;BOG;TATTOO;AION HELMETS;

»»»» You can buy by farming any item as well.


Custom shops:

»»»» Weapon shop with Level 1. and Level 2 unique weapons.

»»»» Armor shop with Level 1 and Level 2 unique armors.

»»»» Misc shop with Lifestone,Book Of Giants,AION helmets,Tattoo,Eggs,Strider.


Npc enchanter:

»»»» Madlen , spawned in Giran Castle Town

»»»» Bring her 1 legendary stone and enchant any item with a chance of 100%.


Siege manager:

»»»» Spawned in Giran Castle Town

»»»» Only Aden,Rune,Dion,Goddard are active on this server.

»»»» Register from town to any castle siege directly from the manager.


Skill enchanter:

»»»» Spawned in Giran Castle Town

»»»» All classes can enchant skills in this single NPC


Killing spree system:

»»»» +3 PVP in a row -> Announce: (name) is on a killing spree.

»»»» +7 PVP in a row -> Announce: (name) is on a rampage.

»»»» +15 PVP in a row -> Announce: (name) is on a postal.


Name color system:

»»»» +200 PVP -> Green

»»»» +400 PVP -> Dark Blue

»»»» +800 PVP -> Orange

»»»» +1000 PVP -> Pink

»»»» +2000 PVP -> Violet

»»»» +3000 PVP -> Light Blue



»»»» Spawned in Giran Castle Town

»»»» An unique NPC where you can add items on sale,buy other players items that are on sale

»»»» Currency that can be used is Adena and Coin Of Luck wich is the principal currency.


Captcha anti-bot system:

»»»» When monsters are killed , will appear a captcha image to solve in order to avoid farming bots !

»»»» When captcha image is on screen , all character functions are paralized !


Achievements award system:

»»»» [Hero] Gain hero status -> 30 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Noble] Gain noblesse status -> 6 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Zaishen] Gain a +25 weapon -> 15 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Norn] Gain 400 PVPs -> 35 unique bronze coins.

»»»» [Commander] Be a clan leader of a level 8 clan -> 50 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Darkbringer] Gain 150 PKs -> 60 unique bronze coins.

»»»» [bravery] Have 3 subclasses -> 4 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Dealer] Bring 2000 coin of luck -> 2 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Gamer] Be online for 100 days -> 60 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Conqueror] Be clan leader of a level 8 clan that owns a castle -> 20.000 coins of luck.

»»»» [Codex] Have a +15 skill -> 15 legendary stone.

»»»» [Famous] Be a clan leader of a clan that have 100.000 rep. points -> 25.000 coins of luck.

»»»» [Myth] Have hero status for 3 periods -> 65 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Dominator] Get 1,500 event wins -> 25 legendary stone.

»»»» [Winner] Get 250 event wins -> 50 unique gold coins.

»»»» [Eventor] Play in 250 events -> 15 legendary stone.

»»»» [Vanquisher] Complete all personal achievements -> 40 legendary stone.

»»»» [Tycoon] Complete all achievements -> 80 unique gold coins.


Player personal options menu:

»»»» Voice command -> .menu

»»»» Toogle options -> buffs,trade,pm,soulshot effect,party ******,exp gain,stats (on&off)

»»»» You can check how many players are online , and view your olympiad stats,character resists and statistics...




»»»» Team Vs Team event -> Classic event , two teams fight for 10 minutes in the arena

»»»» Team Vs Team event -> Every kill means 1 points for the team , at the end the team with most points wins the event.


»»»» Strider Race event -> If you have a strider , use command striderrace_join to join the event or striderrace_leave to remove the participation.

»»»» Strider Race event -> There will be a race , the first place get the reward !


»»»» Hidden -leeching- event -> 1 player from Giran will be selected automated as the hidden -leeching-.

»»»» Hidden -leeching- event -> No one can leave the town durring the event.

»»»» Hidden -leeching- event -> Target any player , use voice command .-leeching- while targeting him and if he was the -leeching- you won.

»»»» Hidden -leeching- event -> The hidden -leeching- look like it was before no changes at all , even him don't know that he is the -leeching- !


server start yesterday night -> 13.12.2012 !!


more informations on server website : www.l2rds-network.com

feel free to register on server forum : www.l2rds-network.com/forum



i can assure you that you wont see any server like this , and u didin't saw one until now ;)

You are using just l2jesios, old version.


Nothing unique, good luck.


what about community?

also i cant download the system,its convey me in a porn site :/

is not a porn site

is a uploading site with a women in bikini .. there is a button download ^_* , or check other download links on download section


about community .. is not  big sv just started yesterday :)


is not that a problems if you can trade augmented items on a market npc , with farm item .. you can call it : feature^_*

ps you can feel free to register on our forum we have bug , reports sections , anyway our problem now is not the bugs becouse as you see there are none fatal bugs , the balance is almost perfect server just need the "players" (some advertisments one way or another)^^

.. and im wishing that untill weekend we reach +50


try to create another character on same account (press alt+b) community board and then chose option repair character ^_*

i can't even login when i press anything. wait i will upload the Error.

sorry for dubel Reply's, the Error Fixed 2nd you should add Safe Zone For Newbie's becuase when server will have alot of people's the newbies will can't farm.

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