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Hello folks, I wanna present you a new mid-rate server called L2 Exorcism. Here is the information.



Exp: 60

SP: 60

Item: 25

Adena: 50

Spoil: 30

Party Exp: 1.5

Manor Rate: 2

Quest drop: 10 / Quest Reward: 2

Zero Hour Quest 2x



Exp: 100

SP: 100

Item: 45

Adena: 100

Spoil: 50

Party Exp: 2



Raid Boss drop x2 / Epic Raid Boss x1

Shadith/Mos/Hekaton/Tayr respawn time 10-12h

Barakiel Respawn Time 6h + / - 1h

Epic Raid Bosses Respawn Time Retail

Four Sepulcher quest working! (Frintezza)



Safe +3 (Full body +4)

Max +16

Enchant Rate 52%

Blessed Enchant Rate 58%



Auto-learn skills.

DAILY Updates - Active Development.

Olympiad Period: Two weeks.

Zariche and Cursed Weapon System.

100% Uptime.


Increased weight limit for characters.

Alliances consist of a maximum of 5 clans.

28+4 buffslots available.

Mostly of the skills are working (We work hard to daily implement more).

No Clan Penalties.

GM Shop: Till B-Grade.

Offline Shops.

Materials and some material recipes selling in GM Shop

Wedding Priest at Giran.

Elite clan halls and fortress sieges working!

Flagged Players Cant Use Gatekeepers.

Fully working Interlude Clan System.

Commands in Game for Players

Duel System fully working. (1v1 and Party Duel)

Augmentation fully working.



Olympiad fully working.

Sieges 100%.

General buffs, songs and dances last 2 hours.

Prophecies / CoV 2 hours.

Gift of Queen / Seraphim last 10 minutes.

Automatic classmaster

General Buffs in NPC buffers.

Blacksmith/Merchant in Giran.



Our Server is located in the USA, Houston TX.

Core I5-2500k 4.5Ghz Processors

20GB Ram 1600Mghz DDR3

2x 73GB 10k RPM Hard Disc

100mbps Uplink Public Connection

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter

Cisco Hardware Firewall


Join us and have fun! Here is the website: http://l2exorcism.com



Features looking good.


Only thing that rejects me from checking your server is the premium rates for donates.


Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.


Everything was cool, just till this text appear;


GM Shop: Till B-Grade.


If you make a server with 100x rates, I don't know why you put items till "B" grade on shop, kinda weird ¡wowah!


Anyway good luck m8.


Everything was cool, just till this text appear;


If you make a server with 100x rates, I don't know why you put items till "B" grade on shop, kinda weird ¡wowah!


Anyway good luck m8.


Hello folks, I wanna present you a new mid-rate server called L2 Exorcism. Here is the information.



Exp: 60

SP: 60

Item: 25

Adena: 50

Spoil: 30

Party Exp: 1.5

Manor Rate: 2

Quest drop: 10 / Quest Reward: 2

Zero Hour Quest 2x



Exp: 100

SP: 100

Item: 45

Adena: 100

Spoil: 50

Party Exp: 2


Rates are x60! Only if you get a premium you will get a 100x rates!



Everything was cool, just till this text appear;


If you make a server with 100x rates, I don't know why you put items till "B" grade on shop, kinda weird ¡wowah!


Anyway good luck m8.


My friend the rates are x60 only premium characters will have higher rates.


First of all its a bad idea to increase drop and spoil rate for premium accounts!

Xp/sp and adena is ok to be boosted but the rest is wrong...this makes the server donator friendly!

Its a huge difference! If you want money from donations that badly, add some kind of donate shop with

goodies like soul crystals, striders, noblesse item, epic quest items, accessories, oly weapons and so on.

The other thing that Id like to point out is the rb drop rate...x2 makes no sense killing them, everyone

will craft and kill only quest raids like barakiel etc. Its better to increase it between x5 and x7 and since

you have the alliance raids spawning fasters, keep only those at this lower rate!

Materials and some material recipes selling in GM Shop

This one here is another bad feature, because makes mat quests like zero hour useless! Even if the mats are

expensive, people will buy them because adenas as usual will be useless! Also some like to play spoilers...

28+4 buff slots available

This is the worst thing to do if you want balance between classes! Its obvious that it will be one more server

where people will cry about how op daggers/archers and ols are! Also, make pet buffs either retail (5 min) or 2 hours, no point increasing duration to 10 minits, since you will be needing one summoner in your pt anyway!


Good features, don't look at the blabla of the others, Good luck >:D

If you are talking about my "bla bla" then he really should take it into consideration!

I'm not hating, I'm just giving an advice about how to make his project last!  ;)



+1 for  srv  future

and LOL  if there  are only ++  exp/sp/adena rate  for  pr.acc there no matter to donate for it  cuz  on x60 its ok to lvl up  faster  not like x 100 but.. its really really  fasted adena  is kinda easy too  + 1 for pr.acc 


if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) do not write sh1ts like  disbalance , bla-bla  etc..  there must got some stimulation to donate for pr.acc ...

again +1 for srv i will join :}}}


+1 for  srv  future

and LOL  if there  are only ++  exp/sp/adena rate  for  pr.acc there no matter to donate for it  cuz  on x60 its ok to lvl up  faster  not like x 100 but.. its really really  fasted adena  is kinda easy too  + 1 for pr.acc 


if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) do not write sh1ts like  disbalance , bla-bla  etc..  there must got some stimulation to donate for pr.acc ...

again +1 for srv i will join :}}}

O really? Then why not add, A+S stuff for donation, huh? Lets see, maybe if you also can buy enchants is even bigger "stimulation" for people like you who have money to waste on a l2 project ! If you read carefully my post, you will see that the imbalance comes from the buff slots...so pay attention next time!



    1 for  srv  future

    and LOL  if there  are only ++  exp/sp/adena rate  for  pr.acc there no matter to donate for it  cuz  on x60 its ok to lvl up  faster  not like x 100 but.. its really really  fasted adena  is kinda easy too  + 1 for pr.acc


    if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) do not write sh1ts like  disbalance , bla-bla  etc..  there must got some stimulation to donate for pr.acc ...

    again +1 for srv i will join :}}}


O really? Then why not add, A+S stuff for donation, huh? Lets see, maybe if you also can buy enchants is even bigger "stimulation" for people like you who have money to waste on a l2 project ! If you read carefully my post, you will see that the imbalance comes from the buff slots...so pay attention next time!


  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD )

  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD )

  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) 



go a head..  enchants..  LOL  may be  u want    + 65 564  wep for donate  !? and u will go to any bank to "download"  some  cash or ur  uncle ?

y  u haven't $ for  sh1ts..  LIKE ME ....

and  better to got  ++  full rates  till  wep +  or  BEWS or  any  sh1t like  this ... 

and for buffslots... 

28  and  Arch + dagers will be OP ? LOL ?  norm  for fighter  full buff OUT OF  ANY KIND  OF RESIST  need  28 slots.. 

by  ur  text i gonna  thining  to u  preffer to  use MAGE  may be  Necro  or  SPH  cuz  as i see u want  fighters  to be  WEAK ... 

28 slots is  top  for mages  u know it ..  full buff  +  many  ressists  and  OVER THE TOP for OL  ..  i think  u know it too ..  GL &  HF  if u come 

and 1 more  this +++ exp/sp/adena/drop/spoil rates for  pr.acc is  better till  wep +  or  BEWS cuz  i think  u will gonna be  REAL HATTER  and write :

LOL  BEWS..  wep S  /A  for  donate..  = UNBALANCE  and QQ AGAIN  !!!


    1 for  srv  future

    and LOL  if there  are only ++  exp/sp/adena rate  for  pr.acc there no matter to donate for it  cuz  on x60 its ok to lvl up  faster  not like x 100 but.. its really really  fasted adena  is kinda easy too  + 1 for pr.acc


    if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) do not write sh1ts like  disbalance , bla-bla  etc..  there must got some stimulation to donate for pr.acc ...

    again +1 for srv i will join :}}}


O really? Then why not add, A+S stuff for donation, huh? Lets see, maybe if you also can buy enchants is even bigger "stimulation" for people like you who have money to waste on a l2 project ! If you read carefully my post, you will see that the imbalance comes from the buff slots...so pay attention next time!


  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD )

  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD )

  if YOU  (anyone)  do not got  $ for it or don't want to be pr.acc ( like me xD ) 



go a head..  enchants..  LOL  may be  u want    + 65 564  wep for donate  !? and u will go to any bank to "download"  some  cash or ur  uncle ?

y  u haven't $ for  sh1ts..  LIKE ME ....

and  better to got  ++  full rates  till  wep +  or  BEWS or  any  sh1t like  this ... 

and for buffslots... 

28  and  Arch + dagers will be OP ? LOL ?  norm  for fighter  full buff OUT OF  ANY KIND  OF RESIST  need  28 slots.. 

by  ur  text i gonna  thining  to u  preffer to  use MAGE  may be  Necro  or  SPH  cuz  as i see u want  fighters  to be  WEAK ... 

28 slots is  top  for mages  u know it ..  full buff  +  many  ressists  and  OVER THE TOP for OL  ..  i think  u know it too ..  GL &  HF  if u come 

and 1 more  this +++ exp/sp/adena/drop/spoil rates for  pr.acc is  better till  wep +  or  BEWS cuz  i think  u will gonna be  REAL HATTER  and write :

LOL  BEWS..  wep S  /A  for  donate..  = UNBALANCE  and QQ AGAIN  !!!

Omg man, no one can follow you train of thoughts! You better learn to post better if you want ppl to actually

understand what you're writing!!! Do I give the impression of a guy who likes to donate? I explained above why

is a bad idea to have this premium account with boosted drop/spoil rate... I said, if server needs donations is

better to put striders/soul crystals/quest items/caradine letter/oly weapons as donates than this premium shit!

I never said I prefer S gear or enchants...I was being sarcastic, replying to your "stimulation" post, lol!

And as for balance its clear that you are clueless! Really, fighters need 28 slots..? If you can't play a fighter

without 28 slots, then you need to go back and learn l2! Mages can squeeze a couple of resists even with retail

buff slots, but fighters can't, and that's the whole point!!! On Interlude when you're on full buffs, archers and

daggers are always stronger than mages, not to mention gladi ! Anyone can tell from your reply that you never played

on a retail server on your life...knowing what buffs are best for your class, shows how familiar you are with it!


hahaha REALLY ? 

1st  mine  L2 exp =  PRELUDE  till ATM !!!

2nd  i joking for  ur " S grade " donate 

3th  I tell u  that  28 buffs are  perf for  FIGHTERS  TO FARM  i do not speak for PvP  just  i tell u what will hapend with  24 ( mage own)

4th :  WE never speak for  c6  OP chars  like :  Necro/TH/GLadi  / pain/mirage/skills&barrier

5th :  THERE allready got  SC/CLan/CP/QHP/etc DONATE



and 1 more .. its  QUESTION  for u  :

u will  come to join us  or no ? 


You can farm at ease with retail slots...I don't understand why is this so hard!!! People join these servers for pvp, not for pve,

its not low rate.You always level up faster your char with a mage box! If you are old school player like you say, then you should

know that you can't have balanced classes with 32 (28+4) slots,lol,and no mages won't be op! Just look on all pvp servers, everyone

complains about how op archers and gladi and daggers are, not about mages! Mages are only good til people get tate jewel, after that

they are only for farming. And btw, qhp as donate? Lol, this is a server for donators man... I'm not posting because I hate server or

anything like that, I'm suggesting to admin to make some changes only because I want a server that will last more than a couple of

weeks for a change!

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