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[L2J]Meya - high rate x1000 - NO custom items - online since 08.12.2012

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Great server/features but there isn't people, just joined and there was only a guy on Giran :poker face:

maybe bad time, commuinity is not big but there is good pvp:)

joker u really need to raise the adena drop rate man cause we cant event afford the basics i mean come on its just a pvp server.

i am always online and i farm but i cant farm neither medals nor adena my ingame name is crystalthelupus and my girlfriend is aurelthelupus


joker u really need to raise the adena drop rate man cause we cant event afford the basics i mean come on its just a pvp server.

i am always online and i farm but i cant farm neither medals nor adena my ingame name is crystalthelupus and my girlfriend is aurelthelupus

u mean, that i need to increase adena drop?

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