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1.DECEMBER.2012 at 18:00 GMT+2 ! We Waiting You !



-Rate Xp = 75

-Rate Sp = 75

-Rate Party Xp = 2

-Item Drop = 20

-Rate Spoil Items = 30

-Rate Quest Drop = 20

-Rate Quests Reward = 10


-Grand Boss :

-Adena Boss = 10

-Items Boss = 1

-Raid Boss :

-Adena Raid = 10

-Items Raid = 10


-Enchant Rate:

-Enchant Safe/Max Weapon = 4/16

-Enchant Safe/Max Armor = 4/16

-Enchant Safe/Max Jewelry = 4/16

-Normal Scroll = 55% / Blessed Scroll = 60%


-Champion rate :

-Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) = 5 %

-Champion Hp = 8

-Champion Rewards = 4

-Champion Adenas Rewards = 3


-Quest no Need for Subclass

-Noblesse questable/buyable

-Buffs/Buff Time - 4h

-NPC Buffer normal

-All caste/clan hall work

-Skills 90% working

-Dualbox is allowed x4.

-Flawless geodata

-GM Shop up to B-Grades

-GM Shop trading SealStones

-Global Gatekeeper

-Olympiad period : 2 weeks

-Olympiad min players: 2 (Non-Classed)

-Olympiad min players: 2 (Classed)

-Autolearn skills

-Blue Mobs Spoil Work

-NPC changing classes

-Merchant of Mammon in town

-Blacksmith of Mammon in town

-Max buff amount: 28 (+4)

-Barakiel Spawn Time - 5/6 Hours

-Friendly GM Staff

-Regular updates

-Clan 4/5 lvl. quest item from Vote Medal!

-Vote rewards : Vote Medal

-Vote Shop in Giran Only!

-NPC Helper in All Castles !

-Player's spawn protect: 15 sec

-Antibot system

-Anti L2Walker/L2Net system




-Core 20+1

-Queen Ant 22+2

-Orfen 26+2

-Zaken 40+2

-Baium 72+3

-Frintezza 48+3

-Valakas 96+3

-Antharas 72+3



for more info join --- > http://l2independent.eu/


First of all you already made a topic about this server, you can just bump it! Opening new ones won't make the server more popular. This server has typical lt "mid" features and its one more project that is guarantee to fail after a couple of weeks tops! And its not the first time it opens either...when you people gonna learn to make more balanced close to retail like servers? Can't you see that this type of x75 shiit with custom epics etc doesn't work?


i like the srv  really :) 

ADSFA  u really  think to  srv got  COSTOM  EPIC ? and any  custom  ITEMS !? or  UNBALANCED SKILLS ? REALLY?? LOL

1st :  chek it

2nd : speak with ppl

3th :  chek  forum /web for bugs/stucks/unbalance


and BTW : its a MID srv x75 YEAH .. there no need EPIC FARM like  24/7 to take ur A armor & S wep  & SA .. its  like a fun srv  little  farm  many PvP :)




Check the epic respawn time...its custom! That's what I mean with custom epics.

I did check the forum and like I said its another typical "mid" server that won't last more than a couple of weeks !

Are you even serious when  you call this mid? It has x20/x10 quest drop/reward, after 24 hours you will roll with S gear... You may like it but the fact is that almost every lt server has the same settings and it lasts a month tops, just like this one did before it was wiped once again!

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