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i think enchant rate is ok, for some suggestion D1ablo posted in another topic some feature like your server


"rb buyable from gm shop

apella in shop with same stats only more p def....

tattoo only hp giving 2 3k (cant be enchanted so a no grade custom tattoo)

olympiad 3 hours from 20:00 to 23:00

safe enchant +3 max +10 normal scrols 33%  blessed 44%

archers -20% critical damage

mages  5-10% chance magic critical

daggers TH - MIRAJE 10 SECONDS

Spam protect 50 seconds

Teleport in pvp zone every time get flagged

GoldBar system

.online - removed comunity removed

Buffs max 24 dance/songs 10

divinity !  buyable with vote reward

Blade dancer +20% p atk +10% attack speed +10 % critical rate

Sword Singer +20% p atk +10% attack speed +20% critical rate

Speed maxim 230

Casting max 1700

Atk speed 1200 max


Dwarfs patk +20% stun chance +10

* +12 wepons max (with special scrols from 10 to 12)


auguments %50 chance but the patk/pdef matk/mdef augs , duelmight, should be reduced do dont make a big difference vs other players for example :


p def normal active should give 700 p def retail like  ...reduce to +200 p def...and so on.."


it's good ideea to keep this enchant rates with normal scrolls 30% blessed 55% :D


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maybe he only know to play archer f1 attack f2 stun f3 dash f4 cp and that -20% on critical make some balance....


i think he dont have any Idea about Lineage2 ..


The worst features i ever seen.If this is a real server... huh i don't want to think about it.


the worst ? Why ? becouse i want to make something unique ?

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