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Delete fate whisper's condition for subclasses.



Hi, how can i make the IA do subclass with the mimir's elixir item and class condition? Because my server throw an error who saids u need fate whisper's quest to make it.






and when i do subclass sometimes l2npc throw this:


width=960 height=768http://i47.tinypic.com/10nasgh.jpg[/img]


if u want the IA code i will post it below.


(one of all grandmasters IA)

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EventHandler SUBJOB_LIST_INFORMED( talker, ask, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, fhtml0, i_ai0, c0, state )
    if( ask == 1 )
      if( i8 == 0 )
        if( ( ( i2 == -1 && myself::GetOneTimeQuestFlag( talker, 235 ) ) ||
              ( i2 != -1 && i3 >= 75 && i4 == -1 ) ||
              ( i4 != -1 && i5 >= 75 && i6 == -1 ) ) &&
            i0 != 2 && i0 != 88 && i2 != 2 && i2 != 88 && i4 != 2 &&
            i4 != 88 && i6 == -1 &&
            ( myself::IsInCategory( @third_class_group, i0 ) ||
              myself::IsInCategory( @fourth_class_group, i0 ) ) )
          myself::CreateSubJob( talker, 2 );
          myself::ShowPage( talker, "master_lv3_hef_04.htm" );

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