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interlude L2OFF Segue-World.eu 16.11.2012


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too many fat kids standing behind monitors in they own "perfect" world ( theyr room ) swear and complain about server protection and config.

pathetic !


Dont take it to serious or ur fatty will kill you -.-'

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ReVenGer the way you type its truly embarrassing and shows your immaturity.I usually don't reply to people who have nothing good to say, but if you have no interest why are you replying to my post every 2 seconds and spamming topic. You intend on publishing a server? I wish you the best but instead of throwing hateful words at us work on your server.


@Azagaroth we know we will be ddosed today , and we are ready for them.We hope everyone gives us a second chance.


Why the hell do u pay attention to them? Stop wasting your time.

If you're sure about what you're saying u should log off from here. You've already announced the opening time.

That's all what those wankers need to know.

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pfff say smth other ...?

stop spam :)

Why the hell do u pay attention to them? Stop wasting your time.

If you're sure about what you're saying u should log off from here. You've already announced the opening time.

That's all what those wankers need to know.


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too many fat kids standing behind monitors in they own "perfect" world ( theyr room ) swear and complain about server protection and config.

pathetic !

Think that i even took this as an offense?




Whatever , saying you THOUGHT that you were protected makes me believe you don't know what ddos attacks is and how they work and also you don't know how to counter them.

It's almost impossible you have done all you need so you will stay alive.

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Hey L2Segue, how many do you expect online, 300+ at least or less?


Last night, 10 minutes before the grand opening forum/website had near 1.2k logged users/guests.

Go imagine yourself :)



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