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Looking for a Developer


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Hi Im looking for an experienced Developer who can help me make a Mid rate Freya or H5 private server. i am willing to pay but i need to know what your prices are don't ask me to make an offer cause i just wont reply.


What im Looking for from the developer

-Putting the server together Such as:

            (I've done it before but im running into issues now and no one seems to want to help for free)

[*]Compile the files and send them to me

[*]Setting up the programs so i can just throw the data-pack together

[*]Show me how to edit the effects like Enchantment colors

[*]How to change the Items in an NPC shop

-Add in Custom armor sets weapons and npc's such as:

[*]GM Shot

[*]Global Gatekeeper

[*] Class manager

[*]Event Manager

[*]Wedding NPC


To me it seems like it would be a lot of work and time and it probably is, but i'm pretty sure there's a developer out there that can do all these things easily. I'm not looking for auto events or engines like that i can run my own events im very good at that. when my server gets big enough then ill pay for the developer to add them into the game, but for now these are all the things i want done. I'm willing to pay but i need you to give me a reasonable price. The person with the Lowest price (obviously) and the best Profile rating will get the job. (If your not interested in doing it then dont post here im not interested in ppl trying to make themselves feel better by putting down my lack of skills) ty and i hope to hear from someone out there.

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