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[L2J] L2Astral MR-HR


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Hi guys i found good midrate, easy farm! much pvp.


This server is kind of midrate - highrate server.




* Rates XP50 A100 SP50

* Gm Shop to S grade (S for GBs)

* NPC Buffer will all you need

* Gatekeeper global

* Subclass free

* Seven Signs

* Nobless letter 65lvl (or vote)

* Evento BM cada Hora

* Olimpiadas

* Sieges

* Quest free job lvl20 lvl40 lvl76

* Enchant Safe +4

* Max +16

* Scroll 65%

* Bless 80%

* Slot buff 30 / 06 Slot Debuff


Custom zone - adena zone.


There are actually some clans on war :) so join for pvp.

More infos on websites.


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