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hellbound L2Eden opens his doors once again, are you ready to enter in the carnage of this

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L2Eden opens his doors once again, are you ready to enter in the carnage of this epic fight ?




About the server:




L2Eden is a Free-2-Play Lineage 2 MMORPG Private Server operated by experienced staff and powered by L2DC software.


Our Development Team’s website is http://www.l2dcproject.com


As Lineage II players ourselves, we got tired of all the buggy servers, most never being updated and with constant server downtimes, wipes and failures.


We Give You this unique opportunity to join this dedicated, fun, longterm and quality Lineage II server!


We update the server frequently and never wipe the server, nor shut it down(just for updates). Unless the world goes under of course which is highly undoubtful.


We provide a “highly” developed server, by experienced staff.




“Our goal is to have quality, stable and as much as we can bugfree balanced server.”




Quick Server Details:






XP/SP: 15x


Drop/Spoil: 10x


Adena: 12x


Quest Item Drop: 6x


Manor: 5x


Pet XP: 1x


Raid Boss Drop: 5x


Raid Boss Jewels: 1x


Unstackable Drop/Spoil: Max 2 items at a time


Common Items: 1x


Fishing: 1x


Hellbound Trust Point: 5x


Repeatable Quests Adena/Items/XP/SP: 1x Adena / 1x Items / 1x XP / 1x SP


One Time Quests Adena/Items/XP/SP: 2x Adena / 2.5x Items / 5x XP / 5x SP








Safe Enchant: Weapons +3 / Armor & Jewelry: +3


Enchant System: retail-like: higher enchants are more difficult


No Items for Donations


First, Second, Third class change quests: can be done talking with an NPC


Subclass quest: not needed


Nobless quests: must be completed


Auto Learn Skills: up to level 75


Special quests to get D and C equipment for free


Special Common Items vendors


Vitality System retail like


Nevit Blessing retail like


Retail Buff Times


No GM Shop


No NPC Buffer








Lineage II: High Five part 5


Full Anti-Bot Protection


Anti-DDOS Protection


Dual Boxing Allowed (Max 2 connection at the same time)


Full Geodata & Dynamic Pathfinding (Completely recoded)


Olympiad Anti-Feed System (Max 1 connection at the same time)


All Chats, items, enchants and GM functions are logged


All skills working with retail formulas


All mobs have working retail drop lists (Including Raid Bosses)


Custom shift click at mobs to see Drop/Spoil list


Protection from agressive mobs after teleport 15 seconds


Hellbound working up to level 11 (starting from level 1)


Territorial Wars starts thursday (instead of saturday) from 8.00 to 10.00 PM (CEST)


Offline Shop / Offline Craft


Voting reward system


No class customization (unless something is not working as it should be on retail)


No donations that will ruin the gameplay


Really active support from the staff


Fast bug fixes


.exp Command (to switch exp on/off)


.statistics Command (to check some stats about yourself)


Raid Event Engine




more info on our website http://www.l2eden.net




“We aim to create a friendly environment, that will get players together, will have tons of pvps, epic sieges, dramatic gatherings and stuff that WE ALL MISS FROM THIS GAME. We know it’s really hard to achieve this kind of server but we’ll try our best to provide it.”




L2Eden Team

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