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interlude L2MagMeld PvP server GRAND OPENING FRIDAY 14.09

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L2MagMeld GRAND OPENING FRIDAY 14.09 17:00 GMT +0 ( forum time )





L2MagMeld Server Rates :



* Experience: 1000

* Party Experience: 1000

* Party Spexperience: 1000

* Adena: 5000

* Consumable Cost: 1

* Drop Item Karma: 40

* Drop Seal Stones: 1

* Drop Spoil: 1

* Drop Manor: 1



Enchant Rates :



Safe Enchant : +4

Weapon Max Enchant : +20

Armor Max Enchant : +20

Jewels Max Enchant : +20


Enchant Weapon : 65%

Enchantt Armor : 65%

Enchant Jewels : 65%

Blessed Enchant: 80%

Crystal Scrolls :100%




Server Features:



* Auto-Learn Skills

* Advanced class balance system

* GM shop

* Vote Shop

* PVP shop

* PVP/PK ranking NPC

* Raid Info Manager ( bosses status and respawn time )

* Scheme Buffer + Buffer with pre-set buffs.

* Cloak +1k CP +1k HP + ( fighter +10% atk.spd / mage +10% cast.spd )

* Custom PVP zone

* PVP reward system ( PVP coin  only drop in PVP zone)

* Custom Farm Zones

* Custom LifeStone Farm zone

* Clan Lord Announce

* Hero Announce

* Killing Spree System

* Pk announce system

* Vote Reward System

* C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 99%

* Castle Sieges

* Clan Hall Sieges

* Noblesses & Heroes System

* Max Level 80

* All Quests

* Clan Wars

* C5/Interlude Clan System

* subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)

* Cursed weapons

* Wepon Augmentations

* Dueling System

* All C4/C5/Interlude Skills

* All Raid Bosses + Grand Bosses + Frintezza ( NO quest needed, straight port from global GK )

* Olympiad 100% Retail like

* Active and skilled staff team.

* No corruption! None of the staff members will be playing in the server

* NO LAG!!!

* 100% Uptime

* International community.



Server Events :



* TvT Event

* CTF Event

* DM event

* Hunt the Rabbits

* 3v3 event

* Clan event

and many other events ...



Custom Items:


*MagMeld Set with balanced stats

*Vesper Weapon more similar to S grade in their stats.

* Class balance has advanced settings to keep up the balance




Custom Npc's :



* Custom Buffer

* Global Gatekeeper

* GM Shop

* Symbol Manager

* Life Stone Trader

* Class Manager

* Dyes Manager

* Wedding Manager

* Coin Manager

* Top Players List NPC Info

* NPC Vote Reward exchanger

* PvP shop




Custom Zones :



* Safe Farm

* Solo Farm

* PvP zone !

* Epic bosses ( no quest needed, just direct port from our global GK )





Custom Commands :


* .tvtjoin

* .tvtleave

* .ctfjoin

* .ctfleave




No lag


dedicated server :

* Server is located in Germany

* RAM : 24 GB

* HD : 250 GB Hard Disk

* Internet:100 MBit

* Traffic : Unlimited

* Uptime : 99.9%



Vote 4 Us Server

Website : http://www.l2magmeld.com/

Forum : http://www.l2magmeld.com/Forum

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