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[Help] Translation RU,PL,SP


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Hello to all people, i would like some help of some gentlemen will help me translating this text for my web site:


(Server Name) Server Rules




1. Do not ask any staff members for items, adena, mobs, or exp. They are not allowed to give out anything.

2. GM's will NEVER ask you about your account info! 

2.1 If you'll get scammed, or whatever, it's your own problem and Staff won't take any action, except punishing the offender. Lost items WILL NOT be given back.

2.2If you abuse bug to get any Items Accounts or Adena u will get pernament BANN hwid.

3. Insulting anyone from GM Staff will be punished accordingly.

4. Pretending that your one of Majenta-Moon's Staff members is a bannable offense.

5. Clans/alliances, or players are not allowed to have a GM crest or have anything to do with GM in their name. Clans/Alliances, or players caught doing so will be dissolved and the leader/players in question will be banned.




1. Players have to be responsible for their own account. If you share your account information with someone, know that you will be responsible. GMs will NOT give stolen accounts back




1. Using racial slurs or sexual harassment is forbidden, if you are caught doing this you will be chat banned for a period of time.

2. No private shops around the NPCs, doors and gateways. Any shop blocking this will be removed or punished.

3. You are not allowed to train(lure) raid bosses out of their place at any time.

4. Try to not spam trade/shout char, or you will be chatbanned for a period of time.




1. Any private stores that are used to scam players (e.g selling Mana Potions and your title to say "Mold Hardener") are forbidden and the player doing this will be banned.

2. Trading for real life currency is forbidden due to frequent cases of scam.




1. Always send an e-mail(the adress is shown on the donation list) with your character information, ammount of money payed, and what kind of reward you want.

2. The act of donating to Lineage 2 Majenta-Moon is entirely voluntary and is not necessary to play on the server. The person donating acknowledges that they are doing so without any expectations of rewards. The rewards listed are given as thanks for the donators support of the server, while no reward is definite.





thank you very much to anyone will help me i will appreciate it:)

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PL (i had problems with last sentence - definite has too many meanings. whole t ranslation is not word by word, i did my best to make it sound good in polish.

good luck with your project.



(Server Name) Server Rules

(Nazwa Serwera) Zasady Serwera





1. Do not ask any staff members for items, adena, mobs, or exp. They are not allowed to give out anything.

Nie pytaj nikogo z obsługi o przedmioty, adenę, moby lub expa. Nie mogą niczego dawać.

2. GM's will NEVER ask you about your account info!

GM NIGDY nie zapyta Cię o dane Twojego konta!

2.1 If you'll get scammed, or whatever, it's your own problem and Staff won't take any action, except punishing the offender. Lost items WILL NOT be given back.

Jeśli zostaniesz oszukany itp to Twój problem i nikt nic z tym nie zrobi poza ukaraniem oszusta. Stracone przedmiony NIE BĘDĄ zwrócone.

2.2If you abuse bug to get any Items Accounts or Adena u will get pernament BANN hwid.

Jeśli będziesz nadużywał błędów gry w celu otrzymania jakiegokolwiek przedmiotu lub adeny dostaniesz pernamentny BAN.

3. Insulting anyone from GM Staff will be punished accordingly.

Obraza kogokolwiek z GMów zostanie odpowiednio ukarana.

4. Pretending that your one of Majenta-Moon's Staff members is a bannable offense.

Udawanie kogoś z zespołu Majenta-Moon jest karane banem.

5. Clans/alliances, or players are not allowed to have a GM crest or have anything to do with GM in their name. Clans/Alliances, or players caught doing so will be dissolved and the leader/players in question will be banned.

Klany/sojusze lub gracze nie są upoważnieni do używania crestu GMów lub posiadania czegokolwiek z GM w nazwie. Klany/sojusze na tym złapane zostaną rozwiązane oraz lider/gracz zostanie ukarany BANem.



Konta użytkowników


1. Players have to be responsible for their own account. If you share your account information with someone, know that you will be responsible. GMs will NOT give stolen accounts back

Gracze muszą być odpowiedzialni za ich własne konta. Jeśli współdzielisz jakieś dane o koncie z inną osobą, pamiętaj, że sam będziesz za to odpowiedzialny. GM NIE ODDA żadnych skradzionych kont.



Serwer i gracze


1. Using racial slurs or sexual harassment is forbidden, if you are caught doing this you will be chat banned for a period of time.

Używanie jakichkolwiek form obrazy na tle rasowym lub seksualnym jest zabronione, jeśli zostaniesz na tym złapany dostaniesz chat bana na jakiś czas.

2. No private shops around the NPCs, doors and gateways. Any shop blocking this will be removed or punished.

Zabronione jest ustawianie sklepów dookoła NPCów, drzwi, bram. Każdy sklep blokujący drogę będzie usunięty lub ukarany.

3. You are not allowed to train(lure) raid bosses out of their place at any time.

Zabronione jest wyciąganie Raid Bossów z ich gniazd lub innych miejsc przebywania.

4. Try to not spam trade/shout char, or you will be chatbanned for a period of time.

Staraj się nie spamować na kanale targowym/na shoucie albo dostaniesz chat bana na jakiś czas.





1. Any private stores that are used to scam players (e.g selling Mana Potions and your title to say "Mold Hardener") are forbidden and the player doing this will be banned.

Każdy sklep, w którym ktoś będzie chciał oszukać graczy (na przykład sprzedając mana potki z tytułem 'mold hardener') zostanie ukarany banem.

2. Trading for real life currency is forbidden due to frequent cases of scam.

Handel z udziałem prawdziwych pieniędzy jest zabroniony z powodu częstych prób oszustw.



Dotacje na rzecz serwera


1. Always send an e-mail(the adress is shown on the donation list) with your character information, am-beep-t of money payed, and what kind of reward you want.

Zawsze wysyłaj maila (adres jest widoczny na liście dotacji) z nazwą Twojej postaci, kwotą dotacji i informacją o nagrodzie, jaką chcesz.

2. The act of donating to Lineage 2 Majenta-Moon is entirely voluntary and is not necessary to play on the server. The person donating acknowledges that they are doing so without any expectations of rewards. The rewards listed are given as thanks for the donators support of the server, while no reward is definite.

Dotacje są całkowicie dobrowolne i nie wymagane. Dotująca osoba musi pamiętać, że nie może oczekiwać żadnej nagrody. Wymienione nagrody są podziękowaniem za dotacje na rzecz serwera, uzyskane nagrody nie są jawne.


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