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Terra Features


GRAND OPENNING 9.9.2012 19:00 GMT +2


Welcome to L2-terra.ro we have worked for this server to restore the old style of servers that have made ??this game enjoyable.

I gathered information from Revenge, Evolve, Forever, and combined to make a nice server.


Server is Non-Custom !




* Experience: 750

* Spexperience: 750

* Party Experience: 500

* Party Spexperience: 500

* Adena: 750

* Consumable Cost: 1

* Drop Item Karma: 11

* Drop Seal Stones: 1

* Drop Spoil: 1

* Drop Manor: 1



* Safe : 3

* Max For Weapon : 18

* Max For Armor : 15

* Max For Jewels : 15


* Max For Weapon With normal Scroll : 16

* Max For Weapon With Blessed Scroll : 16

* Max For Weapon With Crystall Scroll : 18

* Max For Armor With normal Scroll : 15

* Max For Jewel With normalScroll : 15


* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 100%


* Crystall Scroll Enchant Rate From 16 > 18 : 80 %




* 48 Buff Slots




* C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig)

* Fishing

* Seven Signs

* Castle Sieges

* Clan Hall Sieges

* Noblesses & Heroes System

* Max Level 80

* All Quests

* Clan Wars

* C5/Interlude Clan System

* subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights) * Cursed weapons

* Weapon Augmentations

* Shadow Weapons

* Dueling System

* All C4/C5/Interlude Skills

* All Raid Bosses + Grand Bosses + Frintezza

* Olympiad 100% Retail like

* DualBox allowed

* 100% Retail like gameplay without any customs

* Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes

* Active and experienced development/GMteam!

* No corruptions!

* Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months

* NO LAG!!!

* 100% Uptime

* International community

* New character start with 120kk adena

* Max Subclasses = 5

* Max Subclass level = 80

* Max Alliances = 3

* All active/passive augments are fully working!

* All flood protections

* L2-Terra Lifestones Chanse : 7%

Olympiad System


* Retail Like

* Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks







* Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 8 Has Color Name And Title Name




Anti - Feed System


* AntiFeed Pvp (This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points)

* AntiFeed Dualbox (kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points)

* AntiFeed Disconnected As Dualbox (unable to determine ip address)

* AntiFeed Interval (If character died faster than timeout pvp/pk points for killer will not increase)


Killing Spree System


* Sends messages to players with more than 4 kills in a row. Announcements


Away System


* Allows Players to change status .away .back


Offline Traders


* Logging out while in private store your character remains online selling and you can't move and you can't take the rewards from voting.







* Castle Lord

* Heros

* Donators

* Curretly Online Players



* Shout Chat With 20 Pvp

* Trade Chat with 50Pvp

* Global Pvp Chat (Unique Mode) 5000 Pvp ( with that mode you can speak with Lime Blue color and all server can see what you write on char)






Teleport Protection


* Flagged players can't teleport creating more pvp action.





Vote Reward System

* Vote reward system ( With that vote reward system you vote on HopZone + TopZone and when the votes complete on topzone or hopzone you will recieve on game



Custom NPC


* Global Gatekeeper

* GM Shop

* Custom Gm Shop

* Buffer

* Augmenter

* Wedding Manager

* Server Info

* Siege informer

* Clan War manager

* Clan Hall Manager

* Clan Manager

* Olympiad Manager

* Class Manager

* Sub Class Changers

* Symbol Manager


Custom Farm Areas / Pvp / Drops



* Varka Silenos Outpost have Terra Farm coin for Drop

* Ketra Orc Outpost have Terra Farm coin for Drop


Raid Boss drop

* All Raid boss from the server have a special drop they drop raid tokens





Custom Commands

* .joinevent: Join any of the currently running event.

* .away: Sets your status to away signifying you are afk.

* .stat(You can see stat of other player)

* .offline(You can sit offline and to sell/buy Something)





* DDoS Protection Cisco Guard , GRE Tunneling Over IpSec, Filter 600k PPS

* LameGuard Protection (Phx-Walker-Hlapex-L2Net)




* HD *


* Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 2373 EE 2,66 GHz

*8 GB DDR3 ECC Registered

* 120 GB SSD 560 / 515 MB/s - 2TB 7200 PRM

* Unlimited GB inklusive / Flat

* Onboard / Software RAID

* 100MBit FD Fast-Ethernet Anschluss     

* 1000MBit Full Duplex optional     

* Geswitchtes Netzwerk             

* 2 IP Adressen pro Server inkl.     

* RIPE-Antrag fur mehr als 5 IP-Adressen


* SW *


* Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise x64



Our Web Site : www.l2-terra.ro


Our Forum : www.l2-terra.ro/forum




i join all good for some minute...until i press on accesories and blsd place....need vote for blessed scrolls and you have 40 accesories with deferent stats...if you want a tip make blessed farmable and crystal from vote...and make 2 accesories one for make one for fighter...thats for me gl with the server :)


everything was fine till i saw buff slots...i wont even try it cuz it will be unbalanced for sure(archer,dagger server)good luck to ur project!

Are you sure? test it :P


you will remove all this accesories? ofc if you want thanx :)

first need to accept on the tops and after wiil check it :P


what about blessed price?


only me online lol :/

waiting man cuz server is not accepted on the tops ..and nobody knows it :P

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