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gia sas pedes..opos lew k sto title xwris megali analisi psaxnw tn intact armor(na doulevi fisika) kai ta custom weapons tou DeathWhisper aka DeathAvenue...gia osous dn 8imounte eine gia Hero weapons xwris to glow kai otan eine enchanted pernoun kanonika xroma...parakalw para poli opios ta exei h bori na m ta ftia3ei as m kani pm h as m milisi edw pera sto topic!auta ta sigkekrimena ta psaxnw hmm.. 1 xrono panw katw xwris ipervoles kanenas dn prosfer8ike na me voi8isi.elpizw se auto to forum na me voi8isi kapios...Euxaristw kai pali!


Και εγω που τα ψαχνω δεν τα βρισκω,μην το ψαχνεις δεν προκειτε να σε βοηθησει κανενας θα σου πουν "κανε search".Αμα βρω κατι θα σου πω.

  On 9/5/2012 at 3:15 AM, Grr said:

Post in greek if you don't want any support.

He's asking for Intact Armor & Hero Weapons. And i told him that no one will help him and the only that they will say is"go search"
  On 9/5/2012 at 3:10 AM, InTheEndॐ said:

Και εγω που τα ψαχνω δεν τα βρισκω,μην το ψαχνεις δεν προκειτε να σε βοηθησει κανενας θα σου πουν "κανε search".Αμα βρω κατι θα σου πω.

ok file euxaristw!

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