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Client: [L2J] Interlude - EXP Rate: x1000 - SP Rate: x500 - Adena Rate: x500 - Drop/Spoil: x1



Balanced Class!!

Active and experienced staff!

No Coruption!

Stable and longlasting economy system!

100% Uptime!

100% Protected Server!

Game Specifications:

Enchant Rates: Chance with normal scrolls 66% - Chance with crystal scrolls 77% - Chance with blessed scrolls 100%  - Safe: +3 - Maximum for Weap: +10  - Maximum for armor/jews : +10 


There is a system based armor penalty on armor penalty which means 'offensive characters' can't wear heavy armors.


Augmentation system is limited to two skill-buffs ( one active - one passive ) , and the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 5% for Farmable Stone and 15% for High Stone .

Event Specifications:

Team vs Team spawns 2 teams that will fight for the rewards.

Death Match kill your enemies and win. The best killer take reward.

Capture the Flag capture the flag for your team.Team with most flags will win.

Siege two teams are battling for the rewards. For attackers to win, they have to conquer the fortress by engraving the given skill. The only way that defenders can win is to hold up.

Hitman Event

Game Information:



- Validation Period every 2 weeks.

- From 18:00 to 24:00 GMT +2.

- Hero weapons CAN NOT be enchanted.

- Olympiad system with fresh skills after match(same as on retail).



- You DO NOT need quest.

- Up to 3 subclasses.


Clan / Alliance System:

- Clan / Alliance Items selling in Gm Shop.

- Max Numbers of Clan in Ally 2.

- Fully implemented a system of clans, clan-hall remaked.

- To declare war, the clan must have 15 members.

- Clan / Alliance Items selling in Gm Shop.


Newbie Features:

- Newbie Players start with Lvl 20.

- Newbie Players start with 350kk Adena.

- Newbie Plyaers start in Main Town (Aden).


Buff System: 

Buffer: All buffs without resist.

Buff Slots: 28.

Debuff Slots: 6

Buff time: 2 hours.

AIO Buffer System [donate] - You can order and take it via Donator Coin.


Talking Commands:

- .who - Show how many players are online (real time) and players record from atm.

- .withdraw / .deposit - Its like an bank. With .deposit you can change money in gold bar and with .withdraw you can change gold bar in money.

- .away / .back -

- .pmon / .pmoff - Its like //silence from admins.

- .heal / .cancel - With .heal you can restore your status (cp/hp/mp) and with .cancel you can cancel your buffs but only within the town.

- .cl - Teleports you to your clan leader.


Donator System: 

- Custom Donation System avoid Class overpower.

- Special Donator Chat (Special Color. You must type Donator: _text_).

- Special Donator Shop (Based on Multisell).

- Special Donator Service (Based on Java files).

You can donate only for customize your character(appearence), not for overenchanted items/skills!


Other Working & Protection Systems:   

- PC Bank Point System.                         

- C1 - C6 Skills Fully Working.

- Fully working C6 Olympiad & Sieges.

- Augmentation working.

- Grandbosses Fully working.

- Very good protection against DDoS & DOS attacks.

- Server side & Client side protection coded that protects server from 3rd party programs.

- Cheat Protection to avoid illegal actions such as wearing overenchanted items.

- Anti-KS System. The player who gets the drop is the one with the most damage, and not the one with the last hit.

- Anti Boot System.

- Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah).

- Balanced Classes & Skills.

- Working Geodata.

- 99% Working Augmentation.

- 99% Working Fusion Skills.

- 99% Working Skills.


Spawn Protection:   

Protects you 35s from getting spawn killed.


Announcement System: 

- Announce Castle Lords Login.

- Announce Hero Login.

- When you finish to enchant a part of armor or weapon an announcement will appear. [image]


About server penalty:

- No Weight Penalty.

- No Death Penalty.


Special Colors:

- At 500 PVP's going to get title color.

- At 250 PK's going to get name color.

- Custom title color for clan leadear


Combat Coin:

Q: What is this Coin?

A: Simle,this coin enables you to buy accesory which gives +10% Speed.


Q: How i can obtain this coin?

A: You can obtain this coin only from PvP (Not PK).


Q: I think is useless because players will made dual box or ask a friend to help him,right?

A:Nop, I already thought about it and even if you made dual boxing or ask a friend to help you cannot make pvp because protection system is very high.


War Legend System:

- After 5 kills in a row without dying , an announce appear with how many kills in a row you have.


NPC Crest:

- Show clan, alliance crests for territory NPC's


Vote reward specifications :

- We have a special vote reward system which is based on vote stones.

- With every 10 votes, all online players will be automatically rewarded with 10 Vote Stones.

Don't think that we forgot about dual-box. If you go in the event with dual-box or if you are online with many characters when vote reward is recived, you will get the points just on one character.


What can i buy with Vote Stone?

- Life Stone (15%) [x1] - 5 Vote Stone

- CP Pots [x20] - 1 Vote Stone

- Secret Book of Giants [x1] - 10 Vote Stone

- Strider [x1] - 500 Vote Stone


Information about Zones:

- PvP Zone: PvP Zone are Gludin Town (But in the future a mod will be able to change pvp zone every week.)

- Safe Zone: -> Hunter's Village

- Farm Zones -> I - The Forbidden Gateway (FG)

                  -> II - Cruma tower Out Side

Main Town: Aden Town


Raid Token/Blessed Enchants Armor/Weapon:

- We have 4 special RB's + The epic raids from where you can obtain blessed enchants/raid tokens/Epic Jewels :


Normal Raids:

Hallate:  ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                ->[x1] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Kernon:  ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Weapon.

                ->[x1] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Golkonda:  ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                ->[x1] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Cherub Galaxia:  ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                            ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                            ->[x1] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Epic Raids:

Ant Queen:  ->[x1] Ant Queen Ring

                    ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                    ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                    ->[x2] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Zaken:  ->[x1] Zaken Earring

                    ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                    ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                    ->[x2] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Baium:  ->[x1] Baium Ring.

                    ->[x2] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                    ->[x1] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                    ->[x3] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Antharas:  ->[x1] Antharas Earring.

                    ->[x3] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                    ->[x2] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                    ->[x5] Raid Token to the last hit party.


Valakas:  ->[x1] Valakas Necklace.

                    ->[x3] Blessed Scroll for Armor.

                    ->[x2] Blessed Scroll for Weap.

                    ->[x5] Raid Token to the last hit party.



What can i buy with Raid Token?

- Nobless Item [x1] - 5 Raid Token

- Book of Giant [x5] - 1 Raid Token

- Raid Jews -> Valakas    [x1] - 20 Raid Token

                  -> Antharas  [x1] - 20 Raid Token

                  -> Baium      [x1] - 15 Raid Token

                  -> Zaken      [x1] - 15 Raid Token

                  -> Ant Queen [x1] - 15 Raid Token

Join Us

Beta Opening:Coming soon




Login Server:2hrlcte.gif


Game Server:2hrlcte.gif

WebSite:Coming soon

Forum:Coming soon


L2DarkestHour Team©


No but i like ideas ;) base it is l2j acis!

KIDING ME? the owner of this pack told its based on frozen please kill yourself!!


At least make some changes. This features can't granduate succes!


KIDING ME? the owner of this pack told its based on frozen please kill yourself!!


At least make some changes. This features can't granduate succes!

you kiding me take ideas no pack omg!it is so hard for you that ?



Oh! sorry L2jServer*


Server with shared shity pack.


Anyway, good luck.


L2JPhaedras Pack +L2Phaedra Post c/p ^^ xD


Anyway GoodLuck.

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