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GM shops R99 dual soul stone weapons and abilities

fix loot list more than one appear error

GM shops join ancient / sacred / shattered enhanced crystallinity Reels

Modify various occupational six qualities (lack of arousal Occupation)

GM shops join R99 + the double soul stone weapons and abilities

WIT bonus (Modify the formula 1.014 (wit-65))

Join can be used more than life stone R-Class

Clear up

The correction awakening occupational six qualities

Correction after awakening vice career can not be reversed main career issues

Amendment vice Occupational height issues

Not additional deputy after correction awakening

Deputies other deputies will produce highly error correction awakening

Revised secondary career transition system message

Correction awakening career changes during the race in the primary and secondary vocational error

The correction awakening main occupational racial issues

The correction after awakening vice career appearance should Awakening career to judge a warrior or mage vice professional career to judge





[glow=red,2,300]Update:[/glow] L2JTW rev.1590

Wizard villages added a new NPC and dialogue

amendment package effect (thanks to 710,923 returns)

GM Shops added awakening career dedicated tattoo dye

consumption suspended Learning awakening skills SP

Amendment Task 350 (thank overzero return)

culture sql mobile NPC names

moving six qualities correction

death can be returned to the the Newspeak Island (thank overzero provide in the new words Island)

clean up

Dark Elf / Dwarf / Orc / dark angel villages in official dialogue and send, to (thank pmq and otfnir to assist)

clean up

The correction after awakening vice career appearance should Awakening career to judge a warrior or mage vice

professional career to judge

The role of information show the real magic fatal

Modify at any time to learn skills

Correction awakening after the players did not re-board not learn awakening skills

fix login problems can not move (In fact, this is a problem of the client)




Credits: La2Base.Ru


Update: L2JTW rev.1599

new talk of the island to join official dialogue and transfer (unfinished & Be Continued) (thanks pmq and otfnir assistance)

to amend the new Speaker of the island transfer roll

to amend the new Speaker of the island transfer roll

the new talk of the island joined the the official NPC / dialogue / transfer (unfinished & Be Continued) (to thank pmq and otfnir assist)

the new talk of the island joined the the official NPC / dialogue / transfer (unfinished & Be Continued) (to thank pmq and otfnir assist)

update new words Island peace zone (thank overzero provided)

pdate peace zone (thank overzero provided)

new talk of the island to join the official NPC / dialogue / to trafficking (unfinished & To Be Continued) (thank pmq and otfnir assistance)

Modify at any time to learn skills

Correction awakening after the players did not re-board not learn awakening skills

fix login problems can not move (In fact, this is a problem of the client)

amend Targetable


Updated the NPC speak of color (thank otfnir)



Credits: La2Base.Ru


Starting L2J Login Server.


Error: Could not find or load main class com.l2jserver.loginserver.L2LoginServer



Server terminated abnormally



server terminated


Press any key to continue . . .


why is this? :/


Update: L2JTW rev.1616


- new talk of the island joined the the official NPC / dialogue / transfer

- the new talk of the island to join the official NPC / dialogue / to trafficking

- Fixed double soul stone weapons and abilities (thanks to the return of beach earners od)

- dialogue updates

- dialogue updates

- correction rewind time

- the new speaker of the island to join the official NPC / dialogue (unfinished & To be continued)

- the new speaker of the island to join the official NPC / dialogue

- Island new speaker to join the official death back to the village Location

- updates the store exchanged ID

- updates the store exchanged ID

- new speaker Island riding the cool Lu (in conjunction with the GS 982)

- new speaker of the island to join the official NPC / dialogue (unfinished & To be continued)

- modified new speaker Island region

- Island Talking join the official new evil player dies back to the village location

- error message fix in Config not open geoengine situation

- fix Chinese garbled

- fix login problems can not move (In fact, this is a problem of the client)

- Targetable

- NonTalkingNpcs

- Updated the NPC speak of color (thank otfnir)

- NpcStringId

- error message fix in Config not open geoengine situation




Credits: La2Base.Ru


Starting L2J Login Server.


Error: Could not find or load main class com.l2jserver.loginserver.L2LoginServer



Server terminated abnormally



server terminated


Press any key to continue . . .


why is this? :/


any idea got the same msg !!!

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