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Enchant Bug

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Enchant your Weapon with 100%success


i found it usefull to told it to all of you its a way SAFE as they say to make ur weapon +16 . this is a way 100% to enchant your weapon ok here is the steps:

1)We leave all our items in warehouse exept armor and adena

2)we are going to shop/gmshop and we buy 12 same weapons(ex: Bloody Orchid)

3)we put them on the 12 shortcuts on our skills bar so every weapon take 1 place and we make full 1 bar

4)we buy enchant scrolls for weapons.... 16 for each weapons so 186 scrolls for 12 weapons

5)Begin to enchant one by one the weapons(dont forget to equip them before u enchant them)

6)we make all weapons more than 4+ and then weapons start to broke when u broke all the weapons start enchant the last one this weapon is not going to brake !!!


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