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interlude L2Sanctuary Interlude - Awesome Features Tomorrow 19:00 +2 GTM!!Do Not Loose it!

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koza is talking about nolifers?Look at yourself first :)


What you want to see in myself ? you cant be even like me finger..


i wont quote all of your posts 1 by 1


If you want to spam find an another topic.

We are not spamming,just arguing cuz ur topic is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO attractive to us..BTW answer our questions..Can u open the beta tomorrow 19:00 GMT +2 like you would do with the server in order to have 1 week to correct the buggs?[GR] Ti AboveMyDna...BelowMyStupidity 8es na peis..whatever GL [/GR]


We can open our server as a beta test but we are now currently out of ddos protections,if we will be out of protections at the opening of our server and we get ddos many peoples will get dissapoined.


So whats the point of even opening a beta since u just told us that you'll get the protections next saturday and u'll open it at next sunday?You could either open it today either in 3 days but its the same since u won't have any D-DOS protection at all till saturday...Really either im stupid either u just cant explain some things...You are dissapointing us with ur pointless answers..


HMM 03/09/12  bad time but okey.. we are wait too. i hope this server good ! we want play this time i hope other clans wait too this server ..cyo grand opening after .


Im thinking about.

Lol i fcking told u not to trust these admins..Before some hours he mentioned something about opening about and now he's thinking of it?LOL trash srv qqthxbb...HF and GL with this project..IF its called like that cuz its more like a trash..


Confidens why are spanming the last hour first you told us thats koza's server and now you are spamming about what gonna do admins to open this server tell me one think what else do you have to do from to wait to open this server.As you can see this is the only pvp server that gonna be online in some days from now so please wait.

Friendy advise


Confidens why are spanming the last hour first you told us thats koza's server and now you are spamming about what gonna do admins to open this server tell me one think what else do you have to do from to wait to open this server.As you can see this is the only pvp server that gonna be online in some days from now so please wait.

Friendy advise


and who care what they say ? i'am making him Tattoo in my balls ..

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