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We are opening a new lineage 2 server Hi5 part 5, actually we opening 2 servers. One rpg low rate server with some custom features that will make your gameplay amazing without ruining rpg gameplay that lot's of players miss from low rate server. We also prepared a mid rate pvp server with more stuff that will take pvp to hole new level. We made farm easy and we focused on pvp so you will enjoy every moment with your clan/ally or your friends! Both servers will blow your mind... we are on closed Beta stage right now, i will continue with the features of the server so you will get an idea!


Rpg Low Rate

-Rate Xp = 7

-Rate Sp = 7

-Rate Adena = 30

-Rate Drop Items = 3

-Rate Raid Drop Items = 3

-Rate Drop Spoil = 15

-Safe Enchant = 4

-Max Enchant = 16

-Enchant Rates = 66%


PvP Mid Rate

-Rate Xp = 100

-Rate Sp = 100

-Rate Adena = 250

-Safe Enchant = 4

-Max Enchant = 50

-Enchant Rates = 66%



Pack Based on L2J Eternity-World Private Source

Groundbreaking account manager made by TheEngo

Forum in your language Powered by phpbb

Hosted in Germany

AMD Opteron™ 3280 (Octo-Core)(8x 2.4 GHz)

Ram 24 GB DDR3

2 x 2000 GB SATA II (Software RAID 1)

OnBoard LAN 100 Mbps

Linux Based Server


If your interested get a bite at l2dragonsoul.com, also don't forget to like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/l2dragonsoul


Fixes and Reworks

 H5 Items, skills and quests.
Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance.
Olympiad Quests Working.
Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5.
Hellbound works up to 11 lvl
Seven Sings quests
Seven Sings instances
Nornils Garden instance
Mithril Mine instance
Steel Citadel
Sel Mahum Training Ground- Retail Like
Chamber Of Delusion
Naia Tower + Beleth
Seed of Destruction + Raid Boss Tiat - Retail Like
Seed of Infinity + The Two Brothers instance - Retail Like
Seed of Anihilation + Raid Bosses Torumba/Taklacan/Dopagen - Retail Like
Seed of Anihilation farming zone
Crystal Cavern
Fortress sieges
Castle sieges
Olympiad Games
All Grand Bosses
All Normal Bosses
Knoriks working
Nevit's Blessing 100% Fixed

Custom Features

Custom Community Alt+B with
• GM SHOP (till S grade)
• Full GM SHOP on PvP Server
• BUFFER (Basic bissop)
• Full BUFFER on PvP Server(with save my buffs option)
• GLOBAL Gate Keeper(with save your location)
• Top Infos Pvp Pk Clan
• More... See ingame
Nexus Event Engine
• Domination
• Capture the Flag
• Team vs Team
• Last Man Standing
• Lucky Chest
• And more...plus coming more soon!
Custom Advanced Account manager
• Vote Reward System
• Invite Player Rewards
• Item Shop
Anti Feed System
Level pvp protection
Help the Newbies
Pc Cafe Points
Offline Trades
1 ip in Olympiad Protection
Level pvp Protection (5 level difference)
Vitality System
Fully Working Geodata
More Features Coming Soon...!


This is just a preview so i may miss some features...i will update as soon as possible!


Most features are for both servers...if i say pvp it's pvp only feature

As i say to my first post this is just a preview! I will update soon to main forum a new post that will say exactly what features go to each server and more... also we are already working in a ton of fixes and reworks. I also uploaded to the website main page our changelog so you can check it there


GL seems nice but i don't see so many ppl willing to join.Mby make the pvp server some higher rates?(at least 500).There is no point in having all items in gm shop but having to lvl up.*this is just my opinion.

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