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Server Rates: SITE http://l2nanotek.ucoz.ro/










Enchant safe+7 /Max+30


Olympiad System


Siege System


Class Balance 90%








•Kick Enchant

•ANT PHX Multisell

•Entre Outras


•NPC Buffer

•NPC Buffer Vip

•NPC Gateekeper Global

•NPC GM Shop



•Dynasty Armor Lv.1

•Ice Crusader Lv.2

•Titanium Lv.3

•Infernal (Dark Night) Lv.4


•Dynasty Weapons Lv.1

•Epic Weapons Igual ao Kosglad Lv.2

•Demonic's Lv.3

•Icarus Weapons: Lv.4




•Valakas Wing

•Angel Wing

•Fallen Wing

•Gargoyle Wing

•Eva Wing

•Netherworld Wing

•Succubus Wing

•Pixie Wing



•Dynasty Wing

•BloodLust Wing

•Fire Wing

•Ice Wing

•HighGuard Wing

•Titanium Wing

•Hell Wing



Shields Buffs:

•Dark Angel Shield Buff Empower.

•Dark Skull Shield Buff Focus.

•Dark Red Shield Buff Death Whisper.

•Dark Earth Shield Buff Haste.

•Dark Arrow Shield Buff Guidance.

•Dark Fire Shield Buff Bless the Body.

•Dark Danger Shield Buff Agility.[/color]

•Dark Magician Shield Buff Acumen.

•Dark Strength Shield Buff Might.

•Dark Air Shield Buff Shield.

•Dark Water Shield Buff Magic Barrier.

•Dark Flash Shield Buff Wind Walk.



Cabelos Boss:

•Zaken Swords

•Zaken Hair

•Baium Dread


Joias Cronic:

•Necklace of Cronic

•Ring of Cronic

•Earring of Cronic


Joias Boss:

Earring of Antharas

•Necklace of Valakas

•Ring of Baium

•Zaken's Earring

•Ring of Queen Ant

•Earring of Orfen

•Ring of Core



•Tattoo of the Witch Empowered Lv. 4

•Tattoo of the Monk Empowered Lv. 4

•Tattoo of Divine Warrior Fighter Lv. 10

•Tattoo of Divine Wizard Mage Lv. 10


Mask's +200 e +300

•Mour Demon Mask Mask Protecao contra sword e pole.

•Pour Demon Mask Mask Protecao contra Blunt e dual.

•Mour Draconic Mask Protecao contra dagger.

•Pour Draconic Mask Protecao contra arco.

•Mour Ulquiorra Mask Protecao contra Water.

•Pour Ulquiorra Mask Protecao contra Fire.

•Mour Sarugaki Mask Protecao contra Wind.

•Pour Sarugaki Mask Protecao contra Dark Magic.

•Zour Sarugaki Mask Protecao contra hold, sleep, silence, shock, etc.

•Supleme Full Mask Defesa Total contra warriors - all 30%.

•Supleme Full Mask Defesa Total contra Magos - all 30%.

•Supleme Full Mask Defesa Total contra Daggers e archers - all 30%.

•Supleme Full Mask Defesa Total contra Debufs e Abnormais - all 30%.


Come And you See :)


Pretty disappointing. I expected at least a Frozen server with big stupid stats. My standards are low enough but...


1: "l2j game pre configurado"

2: a lot of stats don't even work (Dynasty, weapons)

3: unbalanced farm mobs (some have like 40k HP and some are 2 hits)

4: Icarus drop system is dumb

5: donate shop? really?

6: incomplete patch. I have them, but what about others? Missing animation folder and some textures

7: Why is this topic L2 CARNECRUDA but server is L2 Nanotek

8: a lot of stuff is in Portuguese

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