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1.  I -beep-ing hate dubstep

2.  I really -beep-ig hate dubstep combined with Eminem

3.  I like Eminem untouched music

4.  Here's the real music from that video :


Eminem- Lose yourself HQ

Relax. I have all his songs. :D

I listen from AC/DC, Queen and Kiss to dubstep, pop, opera, classic music :D

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I thought that was the sound of Vietnamese prostitutes getting their intestines pulled from their anus,then fed to them in a primitive,yet modern fashion.

This sums up my opinion about Dubstep.

I'd rather hear my only infant child get sodomized by a tall Nigerian Prince,while I'm being eaten by Godzilla

I'd rather eat the the dried out shit from Chewbacca's assfur while singing Old McDonald.

And yes,before you ask,I'm mad.

Why would anyone listen to this?I'd make better music with a frying pan and 2 spoons.

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They are electronic maybe, not music.

It's not music for your ears. It's music tho. If it's about "music" then death metal isn't music, it's screams like they are slaughtering them.


"Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture." I hope I covered you.



I thought that was the sound of Vietnamese prostitutes getting their intestines pulled from their anus,then fed to them in a primitive,yet modern fashion.

This sums up my opinion about Dubstep.

I'd rather hear my only infant child get sodomized by a tall Nigerian Prince,while I'm being eaten by Godzilla

I'd rather eat the the dried out shit from Chewbacca's assfur while singing Old McDonald.

And yes,before you ask,I'm mad.

Why would anyone listen to this?I'd make better music with a frying pan and 2 spoons.

Congratulations. Do it.

I agree with your opinion tho.

There are so many awful dubstep songs. I can't even listen to them.

Try to listen to the true, nice dubstep, not the shitty ones.

By the way, keep hating dubstep. It's spreading so fast!


That's a nice song of dubstep.


And that's for all dubstep haters.



Keep hatin'


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I agree for death metal too, and many kinds of music that don't requires talent.

Well, it's music. For them at least. For me it's fcking screams and I can't understand anything. Whatever.


The songs I hear it depends on my moods.

That's what I am hearing now for example.



One of the best songs I have ever heard. I hope you like it too.

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That's a decent song,up until 1:02.

It goes down the hill and into the shit lane after that.

Honestly,this is a broken down mess of a music genre.

Every song eventually becomes the same sounding like a massive traffic accident with 10 Koreans on the side smashing guitars on top of the cars.Then it starts sounding like those old modems that had to dial and make those disgusting sounds.

Then you hear more robot sounds,then more traffic accidents,then kamikaze explosions.

I'm not making this up,listen for yourselves.

If there are decent dubstep songs,then they're hard to find.

So I judge by the majority of the genre.

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dubstep + psychedelic trance are the best music kinds

I find your reply stupid.

Relax. I have all his songs. :D

I listen from AC/DC, Queen and Kiss to dubstep, pop, opera, classic music :D

Few people have the ability to get from AC/DC's, Queen's and Kiss' anthems to some stupid genres. Opera & Classic music ain't included to this genres.

Anyway the only real music is Classic, Rock & Metal. (Not Death/Black).

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