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Paypal Problems

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We are writing to you in regards to your PayPal Account. PayPal appreciates
    that you have chosen us to accept payments for your business.
    Upon periodic review, your account was found to have been conducting as a
    business requiring pre-approval. PayPal has the policy that some businesses
    to register for approval before operating on our system or disallows some
    businesses from using PayPal as a payment processor for some types of
    services. Please see "PayPal Acceptable Use Policy" under "Legal
    Agreements" for more information.
    PayPal is committed to complying with and meeting its regulatory
    obligations. Part of our obligations is to ensure that our customer,
    merchants, and partners are also in compliance with applicable laws and
    regulations.  As a condition for operating your business on PayPal, we
    require that you provide the following information:
    1. List the products and/or services you offer.
    2. List the activities that you will engage in during the normal course of
    your operation.
    3. Explain how PayPal will be used as your payment provider.
    4. Has your organization registered as a non-profit charity/tax exempt
    organization with a local regulatory body?  
    Please provide the requested information via email to apacdd@paypal.com. We
    are unable to open attachments to emails due to security precautions.
    Once we have received and reviewed the aforementioned material, we reserve
    the right to ask additional questions on your policies and procedures.
    Failure to provide the information may result in the limitation of your
    Your assistance and expediency in this matter is appreciated.
    PayPal Compliance Department
    PayPal, an eBay Company
    Responses to this email address are not monitored.  Please send any
    additional questions that you may have to apacdd@paypal.com.

How do I show that information with donations work?

anyone would happen? information which paypal asked? and how they resolved? please leave me a reply

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