Lord_Valiant Posted May 17, 2012 Posted May 17, 2012 hi All can somone help me with Ridedata.dat how to understand the codes i want to make a horse on my server all is working buth can not sit on it and the problem is with Ridedata.dat ty for all the help
LightFusion Posted May 17, 2012 Posted May 17, 2012 hi All can somone help me with Ridedata.dat how to understand the codes i want to make a horse on my server all is working buth can not sit on it and the problem is with Ridedata.dat ty for all the help mmm are you trying to jump on the horse or climb on it, cause i rly would like to make that kind of script, but ncsoft made that you'r not jumping on the horse or climbing, but you simply attaching( the class you have) to Bone of the Model that is representing the monster that is saddled(-m o u n t ed ), it could be horse even a fish or tree anything you like, simply cause server side adding you or mm better taking from client that function - attach and adding it in server menu - social movements,etc, adding icons etc( green icon). So when you have this icon in your social movements but this stuff is adding by the "server client cooperation", you simply clicking on that icon( in social movemnts or wethever it says) and your class for exmple MDwarf.ucc(that is in LineageWarrior.u) with all the meshes attached to that class(this info is stored at server, but its taking from client) attaching to bone of the model,monster that represent m o u n t it could be horse or wethever you like. Another thing how to add same stuff is by using Skills menu, same attachment but from skillsmenu - transformation, same class as player on same model,monster that is representing a m o u nt or anything else huh ). xm now xmm you know how ncsoft do this stuff veyr simple and not interesting huh)!
Lord_Valiant Posted May 18, 2012 Author Posted May 18, 2012 can you teach me how i want to make lots of things like a mounted dragon or something hahah buth dont understand how it works and i want to make things also like a new sword or new skills ty for the info
crash_8675 Posted May 18, 2012 Posted May 18, 2012 Hi, read this guide from this topic: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=238657.0 there you can find info about it. ;)
LightFusion Posted May 18, 2012 Posted May 18, 2012 can you teach me how i want to make lots of things like a -beep-ted dragon or something hahah buth dont understand how it works and i want to make things also like a new sword or new skills ty for the info you mean you don't understand how server is taking AttachFunction From Client ? huh its very simple by code ) it is in source code of the server's core. another question i guess is that - how can i place my Monster m o unt instead of existing, but the real thing you need to know is that how client is taking information from Files that contain those models of monsters that for exmple represent M o un'ts - strider, wyvern. Yeah that is doing Engine.dll(of Lineage 2 client) not the server, but how do i indicate this, the answear is simple(these how ncsoft think) you need to indicate this by using of some .txt files but in NCSOFT case are .dat files(wich are crypted, but always there is a l2decrypt.exe from Dstuff, search in google you will find it) so in these .dat files are indicated path to model(UKX for example) and UTX(model's texture) there are some other different options in these .dat files, but main of this is ID for exmple 4954 LineageMonster(thats path to script).anakim LineagemonsterS(yeah that path to model).anakim_M00(mesh) LineageMonsterTex.Anakim_t00. so when you indicate id of the monster it path texture and other minor options, you acctualy can give this to a server, so by id server can use this to spawn it as whatever you want,like as NPC or as some MonsterNpc there are so many option's of this so even just think about this and you'l huh just invent by yourself some new use of it. So when you finnaly added NPC monster by the server, you need to make this monster, npc, be a m o unt, But m o unt is that something on what player class(For emple MDarkelf.ucc) is attaching too. so xm you can simply find that option(making from Monster a -beep-t) in source of the SERVER, by looking or searching the existing -beep-t, or you can go other way and make it by yourself that means you will make your C++ or just C+ code that will take function from client(attach) Plus+ ClassOftheplayer that is using main function(when pressing green button in social acctions) and this two attach(function) with playerClass function is need to be stick together first is playerCLass next attach(function) to Monster(bone) then spawn this. And that's huh kind'a all what ncsoft made xm acctualy what Richard Garriot did with his team in early 2001-2003 just like so plus plus huh. ) very easy huh.
Lord_Valiant Posted May 18, 2012 Author Posted May 18, 2012 well i have tried to make a new horse like the ukx file is Grayhorse.ukx all is good no error buth when i spawn it it exist buth i dont see the npc so can you help me with those animation or so those mesh you was talking about ty
LightFusion Posted May 18, 2012 Posted May 18, 2012 well i have tried to make a new horse like the ukx file is Grayhorse.ukx all is good no error buth when i spawn it it exist buth i dont see the npc so can you help me with those animation or so those mesh you was talking about ty damn)) For whom i did maded the damn tutorial its very simple at didn't take much time But huh mm maybe only those who want knowledge watch it others arhh its shit better watch my tv and relax with pro* Lineage 2 How to Edit Scripts.u Skills Effects .u The thing is that is the thing you look how to change class script, because that script is spawning the same strider, you are using Lineagemonster.Strider(SCRIPT!!!)u that won't allow you to spawn differnt mesh, because in script is indicated LineageMonsters.Strider_m00 look in video or open Lineagemonster.Strider(.u) in UtPackage tool and you will se that.
Lord_Valiant Posted May 19, 2012 Author Posted May 19, 2012 hi Sry me again can you start with the beginning plz because i am following ur video and i dont find the code from the gray_horse_anim is it the first line and in what do i need to change it this is the first line i get 08 01 00 00 00 48 01 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so dont know what line to change or just make me a guide to make a new npc.animation like a pegasus or something how to make it animation + texture + how to put it in lineage 2 and how do i get the right npcgrp and the sql ty for all the help you giving me
LightFusion Posted May 19, 2012 Posted May 19, 2012 hi Sry me again can you start with the beginning plz because i am following ur video and i dont find the code from the gray_horse_anim is it the first line and in what do i need to change it this is the first line i get 08 01 00 00 00 48 01 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so dont know what line to change or just make me a guide to make a new npc.animation like a pegasus or something how to make it animation + texture + how to put it in lineage 2 and how do i get the right npcgrp and the sql ty for all the help you giving me acctualy i allready did that kind of tutorial but only with other mesh, Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (7)Seven Video Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (6)Six'th Video Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (3)Third Video the only thing is that video is a bit faster cause it how whas recorded, so you might need to use some video slowdowner or better AVS VIdeo Editor, and slow it down at 0.4, and if you can there will be some 2.54 gb( if i do these kind of convert it would take mm 1 day i guess to make it huh) send me this 2.54 gb to download video use InternetDownloadmanager or any other video streamer downloader.
Lord_Valiant Posted May 19, 2012 Author Posted May 19, 2012 Well let me explain how i did do it so far With the new horse i tried to make i took LineageMonsters4.ukx from the Animation in L2 system map i used umodel to get the MeshAnimation - gray_horse_anim.psa SkeletalMesh - gray_horse_m00.psk then i used this guide: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=198920.0 and maked me a new ukx file GrayHorse.ukx and put it in the Animation map before i did that i have maked grayhorse.ukx With l2encdec to work on the linage to system Animation i changed the sql from grayhorse and maked a new sql file Npc Grayhorse Like this INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('13318', '13318', 'Npc Gray Horse', '0', '', '0', 'Grayhorse.gray_horse', '31.00', '32.50', '55', 'female', 'L2Npc', '40', '1673.054730000000000', '889.800000000000000', '0.000000000000000', '0.900000000000000', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '25', '0', '0', '8.47458', '60000.00000', '5.78704', '200000.00000', '253', '1', '333', '0', '0', '0', '41.00000', '180.00000', '1', '1', '0', '1'); then i changed the Npcgrp.dat copy grayhorse and change it to 13311 GrayHorse.gray_horse Grayhorse.gray_horse_m00 3 Grayhorse.whitegray_horse_t00 Grayhorse.whitegray_horse_t01 Grayhorse.whitegray_horse_t02 0 1 0 1.05882359 0 1 4 MonSound.Hit_Shell_1 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 MonSound.Hit_Wood_3 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 3 MonSound.unicorn_b_dmg_1 MonSound.unicorn_b_dmg_2 MonSound.unicorn_b_dmg_3 0 1 0 1 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 0 50.00000000 250.00000000 70.00000000 0 0 0 0 so i start lineage 2 then i summon the new npc 13311 the name is coming up in the msg system Summoned a Grayhorse on the code ..... buth i look everywhere and no npc to be found so thats the problem this is just testing how it works before i do some other stuffs ltr i gone try to put the new horses from Goddes of destruction in the server of mine i like those horses buth first i need to understand why it does not work so i hope you can help me ty for all the help so far
LightFusion Posted May 19, 2012 Posted May 19, 2012 the thing is that your using wrong tutorial http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=236402.msg2127611#msg2127611 use mine, i did post about that a while ago, you need to use ut2down.exe from Gildor, its acctualy a tool that can be shared only for paper, but i think knowledge shouldn't be shared only for money, cause it makes some tool of controll that i cutted, so many don't like me huh, i'm very bad.
Lord_Valiant Posted May 19, 2012 Author Posted May 19, 2012 ok ty gone try it right away let you know if i got it right ty for all the help
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